
Easter Eggs and the Bye Buy Test

Rosemary Kempsell, World President of the MU writes

The sales pressure is on again in our supermarkets and shops. I have been amazed at the alacrity that the pitch has changed from Christmas goods to Easter eggs and chicks! Easter isn’t until the 8th April and we are still in January, more than 2 months away.

In the Mothers’ Union we have been challenging children, parents or their guardians to think about their consumer habits and to challenge the influence of commercialisation within the home. As individuals we can feel quite small against the power of commercialisation aimed at you and me and our children but we have a choice whether to buy yet or at all. Whenever we purchase anything we should ask the following questions:-

1. Why do I want to buy it?

2. How often will I use it?

3. Can I afford it?

4. What will happen if I don’t buy it?

We call it the Bye Buy Test to help us think about who or what is influencing our shopping. The choices are ours and we should make our own decisions and not feel pressured to buy now.
