
Episcopal Church in Sudan sets out peace-building agenda

The Church’s crucial role in rebuilding South Sudan after the years of bitter conflict was recognised in a submission to the UK Parliament.

The Episcopal Church of Sudan, Lambeth Palace, the Anglican Alliance and the Diocese of Salisbury joined forces in the submission which put forward a nine-point package of proposals for improving peace-keeping in the newly-independent country.

Included in the package were proposals for:
·         Support for the Church’s mediation work
·         Urgent action to improve the food security and work for long term sustainability and resilience.
·         More support for education, especially primary education provided by the Church.
·         Attention to the needs of the North, as a vital part of security peace also in South Sudan.
·         More reconstruction funds to be channelled through NGOs, including faith-based organisation

The UK Parliament will be taking oral evidence for their inquiry which will look at peace-building in Sudan, and the role of civil society organisations.

From the Anglican Alliance website