
Insight on the MU in Wales

The World President, Rosemary Kempsall, writes

Last week in South Wales has given me insight into communities that have ancestors who were involved in the colliery and steel industry and their inherited strength of family and community.  A visit to the Big Pit, National Coal Museum at Blaenafon provided a picture of how it used to be for these communities.  Times have changed and with the closure of the pits the valleys are now green.

A highlight of my visit was the Trecco Away from It All caravan project where I found the time to pop down to the beautiful beach.  We have been blessed with wonderful weather but I thought it would still be a little chilly for paddling!   The oldest Mothers’ Union branch in the area at St Bridgets, Brides Major provided an inspirational prayerful gathering at the very end of my visit to Llandaff diocese.

In the adjacent diocese of Monmouth I was introduced to the Gateway Credit Union at Pontypool.   Originally started by Mothers’ Union it continues great work assisting families to save regularly, as little or as much as they can afford.  This money saved creates a pool of money to lend to those who want to borrow.  Credit Unions help people to manage their money and encourage people not to take out unwise loans and can often work with their members to help them out of debt and money problems.

I was provided with lunch at the priory Centre at Abergavenny and the opportunity to speak to about 90 Mothers’ Union members and guests.  It was then onto Blackwood to view local projects from knitting to street pastors.

I had fun spending time with the parents and toddlers at the award winning ‘Tommy Tiddlers’ group in Monmouth to see how well grannies and young mums relate with each other.   There are many young families who live away from their parents and this group enables interaction between ‘grannies’ and young mums and carers.

My final engagement was at the cathedral in Newport to join with the Lady Day Service.
The Archbishop of Wales Dr Barry Morgan has said that the Mothers’ Union plays a key role in supporting family life in Wales.

Everything that I have seen throughout my visit supports this and as I said in my address at St Catharines in Baglan, ‘Local Mothers’ Union groups have the skills, knowledge, contacts and (wo)man power to make things happen.