
Irish government “stacks abortion panel with legal abortion advocates"

LifeSiteNews.com states:The Irish coalition government has included in an “expert committee” on abortion the lawyer who acted in the notorious “X case,” the 1992 attempt to overturn the country’s constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Niamh Ui Bhriain, the head of the Dublin-based Life Institute, told LifeSiteNews.com that the move is only the latest step by pro-abortion elements in government who are preparing the way to legalize abortion. “Unfortunately, we’ve seen that committees like this have been used in the past to carry out a pre-ordained anti-life agenda,” she said.

The 14-member committee also includes Dr. Deirdre Madden, a law lecturer who has stated that there are “very strong reasons for believing the embryo is not yet a person.” Another appointee is Dr. Ailish Ní Riain, a GP who has written medical practice guidelines describing unborn children as “contents of the uterus” and insisting that doctors should assist in referring mothers for abortion.

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