
Irish MU Bye Buy Childhood campaign

A blitz of postcards planned
Mothers’ Union in Ireland launched their Bye Buy Childhood Postcard campaign at their All Ireland Leadership Conference last wekend.

The Mothers’ Union Bye Buy Campaign was initiated by the concern expressed by parents’ of their experience of the pressures of commercialisation on family life and that marketing with sexualised content is too easily accessible.

The Marketing Department have prepared 20,000 postcards to lobby OfCom (UK) and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland if they feel a programme is unsuitable for viewing by children and teenagers and that it should not be shown before the 9.00pm watershed.

MU wants viewers to look at the programmes and advertisements through the eyes of a child and then ask themselves the question  – Would the content make me behave in the way portrayed? If the answer is yes, send a postcard available from the All- Ireland Office Telephone 00353 1 8735075 or from marketing@mothersunion.ie or visit www.mothersunion.ie and follow the links to either Ofcom (UK) or BAI.

The postcards are available to and can be used by everyone and anyone. The Mothers’ Union states “We do not want the flame of this campaign to go out.

“Remember that this campaign can make a difference to us all and most importantly to our children.”