
Launch of Gospel album for Dublin charity

Gospel choirs, bands and artists based in Ireland are launching GOSPEL VOICES 2012, a charity compilation album of some of the best gospel songs produced in Ireland.

All profits from the album will go towards the work of the Dublin Simon Community. The album will be launched this Saturday, 28th January, 7pm at Victory Centre, the 1000-seater concert venue on Firhouse Road in Tallaght.

GOSPEL VOICES 2012 is the second album released under the GOSPEL VOICES series. Over 600 people attended the launch of the first GOSPEL VOICES album launch and event organisers are expecting 1000 people for the second launch.

GOSPEL VOICES 2012 features 15 songs from gospel artists based in Ireland. This year sees the project introduce artists from across the border, Northern Ireland male gospel quintet, Simple Faith. Other artists featured on the album include Ireland’s renowned Dublin Gospel Choir, Discovery Gospel Choir, the African Gospel Choir, Portlaoise Gospel Choir, Tunde Esho, Nono, Kyriah Dee, Ronan Johnston, A Glor Gospel Choir, Grace Amah, Victory Gospel Choir and more.

The album and launch concert feature a uniquely diverse mixture of traditional gospel, multicultural gospel, as well as contemporary music. GOSPEL VOICES is an avenue to showcase gospel music from Ireland.

‘Over the last 10 years or so Ireland had experienced a vast growth in the gospel music sector. Gospel music is thriving in quality, appreciation, reach and also in the number of artists who are singing and producing gospel music. We have seen it move from being the kind of music sang only in churches, weddings and faith events; to having gospel choirs performing in mainstream venues, top national events, and on national radio and television,’ says Florence Mutesasira, project coordinator.

‘It is more and more being appreciated as a main genre of music, at par with other music available in the music industry. It is great entertainment, of great quality and it also carries a positive message that inspires hope and faith at a time when many need to be inspired to believe for better’.

GOSPEL VOICES 2012 will be launched this Saturday 28th January at Victory Centre. Tickets are €10 and the CDs will be sold for €10. All proceeds, after cost of production, will go towards the work of the Dublin Simon Community – www.dubsimon.ie.

GOSPEL VOICES is organised by Gospel Republic in collaboration with the participating artists. It supported by Victory Centre, Spirit Radio, VOX magazine, Trend Digital Media and Metro Eireann, Ireland’s first multicultural newspaper.