
More important things for C of I to do

A lesbian couple in the US have told the Church of Ireland that there are more important issues it should be concerned about than same-sex relationships.

Writing in a supplement in the current C of I Gazette, Rev Jan Nunley and her partner Susan Erdey argue that no-one would question their relationship if one of them was male.

The Episcopalian couple – who have been together for 22 years – wrote: “We confess to some impatience with the fact that for two adults of the same gender to bond and celebrate a lifelong commitment remains controversial, even shocking, in some quarters.

“Ours is a marriage every bit as spiritually rich, full, holy and deeply Christian as any opposite-gender marriage we know, and more than many.” The couple also argue that there are better ways of serving God than “critiquing and condemning the shared lives of two middle-aged American women of faith on the grounds of isolated Bible verses dubiously parsed”.

The Church of Ireland Gazette’s special supplement on same-sex relationships also contains an article by an abstaining gay male who is a member of the Church of Ireland, and conservative Anglican Rev Melanie Lacy.

“Scripture… consistently condemns homosexual acts (as distinct from a homosexual orientation) and same-sex relationships,” wrote Rev Lacy.

I wonder if we were each challenged individually to write down our top ten priorities for the Church of Ireland, would the issue of same-sex relations be on it? I would hope it would be but perhaps under the sub heads of love, or indeed justice.

But truth to tell youth unemployment, unemployment generally and the still potential Eurogeddon are higher on my list.  Perhaps that will be enough to damn me by groups and individuals with differing views on sexuality and belief. So be it.

What is on your list?

Houston McKelvey