
Mothers’ Union All Ireland Spring Council in Armagh

Representatives reported on the work within Mothers’ Union both at home and overseas last SaturdayCurrent projects include:

The Buy Bye Childhood Campaign, which encourages everyone to complain to Ofcom or the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland if they feel a programme or advertisement, is unsuitable for viewing by children before the 9 pm watershed.

Financial and prayerful support for the Overseas Literacy and Development fund and Relief Fund.

Making a difference – keeping informed about the work in Ireland on Fair Trade products, Child poverty, marriage, parenting courses, Women’s Aid and human trafficking.

Working with local hospitals to provide Snugglies for neo-natal wards as an additional mattress for premature babies, baby grieving gowns and toilet bags for emergency admissions.

At 12 noon members of Council and invited guests adjourned to St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Eucharist. At this service the Archbishop, the Most Revd. Alan Harper, commissioned four of the five new members of Trustees:

Mrs. Norma Bell  – All Ireland Vice-President for Finance and Central Services

Mrs. Margaret Schutz  – All Ireland Vice-President for Action and Outreach

Mrs. Hazel Sherlock as All Ireland Vice-President for Marketing

Mrs. Jean Fox – All Ireland Vice-President for Faith and Policy

Mrs. Margaret Mahon as All Ireland Union Co-ordinator for Finance and Central Services.

The Preacher was Bishop Ken Clarke, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh and the Mothers’ Union Central Chaplain.

Bishop Ken in his talk referred to Lent as the “Season of the Shack”. Lent is a time for searching, honesty and transparency.  He referred to the story of Joseph in Genesis, who despite being rejected by his brothers when he was young welcomed them to Egypt with no thoughts of revenge or no hint of hatred.  Instead he welcomed them with a new heart and rivers of forgiveness.  Bishop Ken then challenged the members of Council and guests if members were availing of the opportunity to plunge to the depths in order to reconnect our hearts and renew our relationship with God.

The Guest Speaker Revd. Liz McElhinney spoke on the Mothers’ Union theme for 2011 Faithful Relationship.  Liz compared relationships to an onion, with its many layers.  Members had to learn to share, experience problems but more importantly to work together with God at many different levels   She used examples from Ezekiel to illustrate a number of relationships and finished with the words ”The God who is here”.