
Resist Militancy – Nigerian Anglicans are told

Church of Nigeria Website report on Canterbury’s support of Primate of Nigeria

The Archbishop of Canterbury the Most Rev Rowan Williams has in continuation of dialogue and mutual support, sent his sympathy to his colleague the Primate of all Nigeria (Anglican Communion) the Most Rev Nicholas D Okoh on the national strike and the continuing dastardly acts and campaign by Boko Haram.

Speaking through the Rt Rev Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham, Dr Williams advocated the support of the government for those who have been displaced in Damaturu and all the troubled spots in the country including those who are living in fear of the ongoing violence. He prayed for normalcy to return quickly to the affected areas.

Most Rev Williams assured the Primate of his friendship, support and commitment to increase the faith in Jesus Christ by reaching the hitherto unreached, bringing the undiluted gospel of Christ to their doorstep.

He passed complimentary remarks on the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion which he described as forthright and prayed that the social discomfort of the movement caused by Boko Haram will be a thing of the past.

The Rt Rev Justin Welby then presented Primate Okoh with a memorial Cross from the North East of England of the third Bishop of England in the late 7th century.

Responding, Primate Okoh thanked Bishop Justin Welby for travelling from a far distance in Diocese of Durham, this according to him,  has shown solidarity amongst the Anglican community……He therefore made a passionate appeal to leaders in the country who can reach out to Boko Haram to dissuade them from dastardly acts of killing innocent Christian’s souls, asking them to dialogue with government if they have any axe to grind with her and leave the Church alone.

He said the attempt to drag Nigerians into militancy is something Nigerians must resist.

Read here http://www.anglican-nig.org/main.php?k_j=12&d=578&p_t=main.php?k_j=34

Attack in Kano  Read BBC News here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16678098