
Study to seek the meaning of Iona's stones

They were created to mark the dawn of Christianity in Scotland and have stood in silent witness to the religion’s growth for almost 1500 years.

Now the significance of the carved stones of Iona Abbey to the wider medieval world is to be investigated by a panel of international experts who will gather in Scotland this year.

Historians, archaeologists and members of the Iona Community will meet on the Inner Hebridean island in April to carry out a fresh examination of many of the ancient abbey’s carvings.

The work is part of the preparations for the 1450th anniversary of St Columba’s arrival in Scotland which takes place in 2013. It will hopefully shed new light on the origins of the carvings as well as their place in the development of Christianity through the ages.

More on Iona and St Coluba from Jody Harrison at: