
Training Opportunities for Children’s Leaders

There are three training opportunities this autumn in Belfast, Dublin and Lisburn for those involved in children’s Sunday Clubs and mid-week groups.  Whether you have volunteered for the first time or have been a leader for years there is chance to be refreshed, encouraged and resourced for this crucial ministry.

Children’s Ministry Certificate Course
Starting in October there is a new Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Certificate Course.  This is for anyone working in children’s ministry and will consist of 6 Saturday morning sessions plus the Building Blocks Conference.   The course will be delivered by members of the Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Network who are all experienced practitioners in children’s ministry.

The modules will cover Child Development; Leadership Skills; Programme Planning; Children & Community; Pastoral Awareness and Spirituality and the Bible. There will also be the opportunity to look at current resources. The cost of the course, which includes the fee for the Building Blocks Conference, is €95 which it is hoped parishes will be willing to cover / subsidise.  The course will run in The Church of Ireland Theological Institute and in Christ Church Parish, Lisburn.
Further information from Lynda Levis, CITI Tel: 4923506 / lyndalevis@theologicalinsitute.ie
Booking forms are also available in The SSS Resource Centre Bookshop.

Evening Training

The Sunday School Society will run the annual evening event on Monday 10th October at 8pm in Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines.  This will be run in conjunction with the Presbyterian Children’s Dept and will be an evening of fresh ideas for children’s ministry.  The bookshop will be open from 7pm.  Further information from the Resource Centre Tel: 4972821 / www.sundayschoolsociety.ie

‘Building Blocks’ Children’s Ministry Conference 2011
The Dublin Conference is being held on Saturday 19th November in All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 and will cost €35 (includes lunch & all conference materials). The Conference is repeated in Belfast on Saturday 12th November.

This year the key-note speaker is Nick Harding, Children’s Ministry Adviser for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. He writes books and resources for all-age worship and children’s ministry.   A wide range of seminars include Boys, God & the Church; Working with Under 5s; Managing Behaviour; Ideas for Christmas; Creative Communication and lots more. There are seminars to suit everyone.

Brochures can be downloaded from the website www.buildingblocks.ie or are available from The Resource Centre or contact Rev. Anne Taylor Tel: 01 4905543 Email: dublin@buildingblocks.ie.