
Israel Shachter — an Irish link with Israel

A remarkable connection between Northern Ireland and Israel came to an end last month with the death of Israel Shachter at the age of 84.

He was the last surviving child of Rabbi Jacob Shachter, spiritual leader of the Belfast Jewish community for more than a quarter of a century from 1926 to 1954. Israel came to Belfast when he was six weeks old and his father came to succeed Rabbi Hertzog , father of Chaim who became President of Israel.

Israel was educated at Belfast Royal Academy and The Queen’s University, Belfast. The Shachter children, all of whom were Belfast-educated, made a remarkable contribution to the state of Israel.

Belfast Telegraph obituary at:  http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/obituary-israel-shachter-15038334.html#ixzz19ncc7ISc

In 2009 Israel gave a remarkable interview to the Jerusalem Post. See:
