One last collection for Black Santa

Belfast Community Telegraph reports on this year’s Sitout for Charities at Belfast Cathedral

Bob Malcolm’s report commences: “The streets are white.

“Ice sparkles in the sunlight and there are icicles dangling from St Anne’s Cathedral. Before the steps of the imposing Cathedral stands a man draped in black, freezing, but 070-336 cheerfully accepting donations from passers-by.

“This is the Dean of St Anne’s, the Very Rev Houston McKelvey.

“And this is his final year acting as the ‘Black Santa’, following on 642-832 from a tradition started in 1973 by Dean Sammy Crooks.”

The heavy snow affected the footfall in the Cathedral Quarter. However, over £190,000 has been collected, and the barrel will be available for contributions in the Cathedral until the end of January.

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/community-telegraph/north-belfast/news/one-last-collection-for-black-santa-15042366.html#ixzz19njQgwmJ