CNI News summary 1 – 15th February

Irish church news  – Christian Counsellors 2012 conference : ‘Remembering the Future’ Lecture Programme : Alpha Vision Day 2012 : Visit of MU All Ireland Chaplain to Clogher

ACC (NI) Conference with Russ Parker
The Association of Christian Counsellors 2012 conference with Russ Parker takes place in Orangefield Presbyterian Church, Belfast. The event is over 2 days. Friday 2nd March 2012 will see Russ speaking on the subject “A New Way of Healing? Listening at a deeper level” This workshop is for counsellors, pastors, ministers, youth leaders, pastoral visitors and all who work with people. On Saturday 3rd March 2012 Russ will be presenting a workshop on “Dream Interpretation & Counselling”. This workshop is for counsellors.

Since 1995 Rev Dr Russ Parker has been Director of Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, which exists to resource and educate the church in the Christian Healing Ministry. Part of Russ’s contribution as Director has been to develop training materials. He is the author of a number of books and travels extensively around the UK and abroad, lecturing and teaching in issues connected with Christian Healing and Healthcare, Reconciliation and Church Transformation.

Russ was a Baptist Pastor from 1972 –77 andordained in the Church of England in 1981. ARuss was the Co–founder and Director of Christian Care and Counsel, a Christian Counselling ministry based in the East Midlands. He also co–founded the Community of Aidan and Hilda whose mother house is situated on the holy island of Lindisfarne. He is a founder member of the Fellowship of Christ the Healer(UK and USA) which exists to resource leaders of residential healing and healthcare initiatives. He is co–founder of Wholecare an initiative to support and resource Christian healthcare professionals within the NHS. He has a post graduate degree in Phenomenology and Theology from Nottingham University in which his thesis was entitled Dreams as a Religious Phenomenon. Russ was awarded a Doctor of Divinity from Columbia Evangelical Seminary in the United States in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Christian ministry and for his many writings and his teaching abilities. In particular it was given for the standard of scholarship in his latest book “Healing Wounded History” which is about reconciling peoples and healing places. Russ is married to Roz and lives near Farnham, Surrey. His hobbies are photography and visiting Celtic holy places. He supports Liverpool Football Club, whether they are winning or losing!
For more information Tel: 028 7181 3587 email bookings@accni.org
More here : www.accni.org

‘Remembering the Future’ Lecture Programme
Marking Anniversaries 2012-2023 – The Community Relations Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund are holding a series of 10 weekly lectures covering this critical historical period. The format will be symposium style with one hour for speakers and one hour discussion based on questions from the audience. The principal speaker will provide the overview for about 30 minutes. This will be followed by two experts, giving different perspectives. The first lecture will be at the Ulster Museum on March 8 and entitled,  ‘The Burden of Our History’: The Historical Background to the 1912–1923 period, with Professor Paul Bew.
More here: http://www.community-relations.org.uk/marking-anniversaries/up-and-cominghttp://www.community-relations.org.uk/marking-anniversaries

Alpha Vision Day 2012
The 2012 Alpha Northern Ireland Vision Day is on Saturday 10 March in Belfast. This year the title is ‘Your Kingdom Come’ and its going to be even bigger and better than ever. Pete Greig is the key speaker and there will also be worship lead by Ryan Griffith, testimony, ministry and streams lead by Youth Alpha, Worship Central, 24/7 Prayer, Relationship Central and CAP. Tickets are  £10 (including lunch) and are selling fast. With only a limited number of tickets, and with such a huge range of people booking on to take part in the many streams, book now to avoid disappointment.  Willowfield Parish 9.30 − 4.30
More here:  http://events.alpha.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=87

Visit of MU All Ireland Chaplain to Clogher
Earlier this month Lisnaskea Mothers’ Union branch held a visitors night. The branch leader welcomed the Very Revd  Raymond Ferguson, the Dean of Kilmore Cathedral, as the guest speaker. This was his first engagement in Clogher Diocese as the all Ireland MU chaplain. 

He gave an excellent talk regarding the history of the MU with special reference to the founder Mary Sumner and her family. He mentioned the wonderful welcome he had received by the MU in Tanzania, Africa on the two occasions that he visited there. He also expressed his gratitude to the MU in Aughnacloy who offered such help and hospitality to him and his family when his late wife Rosemary died. He praised his own MU who meet in his deanery every month and provide him with an excellent supper. He closed his address with a few sentences about Lydia the seller of purple in the story from Acts 16 which he had asked Florence Creighton to read. She also read an article about the MU in Kampala as she had beads for sale which they had made. 

Everyone received a free copy of the Bible cake recipe. Carol Sommerville a visually impaired girl from the Fold sang Blessed Assurance with everyone joining in the chorus. She also sang the grace after which a delicious supper was served by Norman Coulter and staff from Sadlers restaurant in Enniskillen so that the Lisnaskea members could relax and fully enjoy the evening without having to worry about catering for the 80 people present.