
CNI World news summary – 15th February

Persecution of Christians soars in Iran: Convert Beheaded in Somalia and US Tweets for Nadarkhani: India should no longer qualify to receive British foreign aid : Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in a protest against the Chinese government : S Korean police arrest “pastor” over child killings : Pope puts ‘healing abuse victims’ at top of the Christian agenda : Archbishop of Greece warns of social upheaval

Persecution of Christians soars in Iran
World Net Daily – Reports coming out of Iran say persecution of Christians is only growing more bold and brazen, as Iranian authorities once again raided a house church – this time in Shiraz – and arrested between 6 to 10 members of the congregation.
The detainees are being held in an undisclosed location.
More at:  http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/persecution-of-christians-soars-in-iran/

Convert Beheaded in Somalia and US Tweets for Nadarkhani
Christian Post – Several reports of persecution against Christians from around the globe have emerged this week, including the Church of England pressuring the UK government to aid religious minorities in Nigeria.
More at:  http://global.christianpost.com/news/persecution-round-up-convert-beheaded-in-somalia-and-us-tweets-for-nadarkhani-69241/

India should no longer qualify to receive British foreign aid
Telegraph – Feedback on the proposal – Maybe it is time for those traditionalists who continue to believe what was taught as truth until recently, to suggest that Mrs Hudson-Wilkin, and those who think similarly, should leave the Church of England to become Lutherans, or members of a …
More at:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/letters/9075195/India-should-no-longer-qualify-to-receive-British-foreign-aid.html

Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in a protest against the Chinese government
Sky News – The monk – thought to be in his 30s – is believed to have survived the suicide attempt in China’s far-western Qinghai Province, which is heavily populated with Tibetans. He is reported to be in a serious condition. Pro-Tibet groups say he was taken away from the scene of his self-immolation by Chinese security personnel. His whereabouts are unknown. The incident brings the number of Tibetans inside China to have set themselves alight over the last year to 21.
More at:  http://news.sky.com/home/world-news/article/16167628?f=rss&google_editors_picks=true

South Korean police arrest “pastor” over child killings
Reuters India – South Korean police have arrested a 43-year-old self-styled church pastor and his wife who confessed to beating their three young children to death in an attempt to cleanse them of their illnesses and sins, police said on Monday. A police statement said the children, aged five, eight and 10, were found with their heads shaved and their parents kneeling beside them in a house used as a church. They were found in Boseong, a village in the south, on Saturday.
More at:  http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/02/13/korea-children-idINDEE81C06D20120213

Pope puts ‘healing abuse victims’ at top of the Christian agenda
The Tablet –  Pope Benedict XVI this week called for a “profound renewal of the Church at every level” in a message to bishops and senior Religious at the first Vatican-backed symposium aimed at crafting a universal response to the problem of clerical sexual abuse. The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, sent a message of support in the name of the Pope in which he said “healing for abuse victims must be of paramount concern in the Christian community”. Participants at the four-day event were urged “to continue drawing on a wide range of expertise” to promote a culture of safeguarding and victim support throughout the Church.
More at : http://www.thetablet.co.uk/article/162331

Archbishop of Greece warns of social upheaval
ENI News – Archbishop Hieronymos II of Athens and All Greece on 2 February warned the Greek government of a possible social upheaval if more austerity measures are ushered in by international financial institutions overseeing the sovereign debt crisis.  “Our hearts are shattered and our minds are blurred with all that is taking place,” he said in a letter sent to interim Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, extracts of which were published in Greek on the Greek Orthodox Church’s official site (www.ecclesia.gr). “Our fathers are unable to live after the dramatic cuts in their pensions. Family men, particularly the poorest … are in despair due to repeated wage cuts and unbearable new taxes,” the archbishop said.
More at : http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=5450