
Anglican Communion’s newest Network is calling for diocesan contacts and insight

The co-ordinator of the Anglican Communion’s newest international Network, the Anglican Refugee and Migrant Network (ARMN), is looking to connect with dioceses around the world.

A letter sent to nearly 800 diocesan bishops by the Revd Terrie Robinson, in her role as Anglican Communion’s Networks’ Co-ordinator, introduced ARMN’s new co-ordinator, the Revd Catherine Graham, and asked them to share with her insights and information from their dioceses about issues of refugees or migration.

ARMN was formally re-established by the Anglican Consultative Council when it met in 2009 and among its plans are setting up a website for the Network within the Anglican Communion portal at www.anglicancommunion.org, and the formation of a global management committee, representative of the Communion, to help steer its activities.

The Network’s objectives are:
•    To share information, ideas and experience, and to provide affirmation and mutual support for front-line programme-workers and programme-managers working with refugees and migrants on behalf of the Anglican Church through the creation of an active informal network.
•    To provide, when appropriate, practice-based information and briefing to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Primates, other Anglican Church leaders, and the Anglican Observer to the UN, to inform and strengthen their prophetic, advocacy and pastoral work on behalf of refugees and migrants;
•    To promote awareness, concern and commitment to action within dioceses and parishes, to the benefit of local refugees and migrants;
•    To encourage and collaborate with the wider ecumenical family and other faiths in promoting active ministry to refugees and migrants;
•    To help tackle the root causes contributing to the creation of refugees and migrants through advocacy;
•    To network with other institutions working on behalf of refugees and migrants; and,
•    To develop and share theological reflection on the causes, issues and consequences relating to refugees and migrants.

For more information contact the Revd Terrie Robinson on terrie.robinson@anglicancommunion.org  or the Revd Catherine Graham at cgraham@stjohnscathedral.org.hk

More here: http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/news.cfm/2012/2/13/ACNS5035