CNI GB news summary – 16th February

Religion appeals to something deep in the human spirit : Attack on family values :  Treasury rules out marriage tax breaks

Religion appeals to something deep in the human spirit
Telegraph – Peter Oborne, The Telegraph’s chief political commentator, warns of the dangers of eroding the importance of religion in the success of schools and charities : Speaking after Baroness Warsi, the chairman of the Conservative Party, said that British society is under threat from the rising tide of “militant secularisation” reminiscent of “totalitarian regimes”, Oborne makes an impassioned defence of the role religion has to play in eduction and the charity sector.
More at : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/9082605/Religion-appeals-to-something-deep-in-the-human-spirit.html

Attack on family values
Express – Nick Ferrari writes : Can there have been a more sinister or perverse attack on the family than the grotesque trade in contraceptive implants or injections being given to underage girls, which was exposed last week? In a practice that sounds like a relic from Stalinist russia or Hitler’s Germany, the state now injects girls as young as 13 with drugs enabling them to have supposedly worry-free sex, while their parents do not have to be consulted or informed. School nurses aren’t allowed to apply even a sticking plaster to children in case they have a dangerous allergic reaction, but pumping schoolgirls full of hormones so they can get at it like brood mares is just dandy. This is as close to state-sanctioned child abuse as we’ll ever sink.
More at : http://www.express.co.uk/ourcomments/view/301565

Treasury rules out marriage tax breaks
Telegraph – Robert Watts writes : George Osborne has angered Conservative backbenchers by ruling out the introduction of tax breaks for married couples in next month’s Budget.Conservative MPs said that the delay by the Chancellor was “kowtowing” to the Liberal Democrats and represented a “failure of leadership” by David Cameron, the Prime Minister. A pledge to support marriage in the tax system features in the Coalition agreement and is a key demand of the Tory faithful, but it has been strongly opposed by Nick Clegg and other senior Lib Dems. Critics on the Right of the party will claim the delay is further evidence that Mr Cameron’s government is failing to deliver a truly Conservative agenda, instead pursuing populist and liberal policies such as attacking business, backing wind farms, maintaining foreign aid and taking a softer line on Europe.