Dr Brady criticises political violence

Cardinal Seán Brady has criticised recent incidents of political violence in Ireland

Speaking at a World Day of Peace Mass in Armagh, he said, “so sad to hear reports recently of people being again recruited and trained to carry and use weapons of death and destruction against fellow human beings on this island”,642-832
Patsy McGarry reports in today’s Irish Times.

In many references to Pope Benedict’s message for World Day of Peace, he said “the Holy Father reminds us today that parents must always be free to hand on to their children their faith and their values.

“Not only must they be free to do so, they must he helped and encouraged to do so by the rest of society. This is the way to build up a strong and caring social fabric which is so important.’’

At a World Day of Peace Mass in Dublin Rev Dr Kieran O’Mahony described as ‘‘poignant and revealing’’ that the pope should have to argue for the place of religion and religions in the world today.

In Rome the pope implored “all men and women of642-831
goodwill to renew their commitment to building a world where all are free to profess their religion or faith”.

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