
12 things I wish I knew at 25

Valid insights from a priest
Rev. James Martin, author of the book The Jesuit Guide to (almost) Everything, published a great list for youth workers at the Huffington Post on December 31. For his 50th birthday he tweeted 12 things he wished he had known when he was 25 and just starting out in ministry. Here’s some snippets:

12 things that, had I put them into action, would have made my life a lot easier. Some are bits of advice that wisdom figures have told me and took years to sink in. Others are the result of some hard knocks. A few are insights from the great spiritual masters that I’ve adapted for my own life. Maybe a few will help someone you know who’s 25. Maybe one or two will help you.

2. Being a saint means being yourself. Stop trying to be someone else and just be your best self. Saves you heartache.

4. Remember three things and save yourself lots of unneeded heartache: You’re not God. This ain’t heaven. Don’t act like a jerk.

8. You can’t force people to approve of you, agree with you, be impressed with you, love you or even like you. Stop trying.

11. Seven things to say frequently: I love you. Thank you. Thank you, God. Forgive me. I’m so happy for you! Why not? Yes.
