
MU Annual meeting in Edinburgh – June 9

Usher Hall venue contact details

The General Meeting 2011 will be held at the Usher hall, Lothian Road on Thursday 9th June which is one of the most outstanding concert halls in the world holding 2,200 people. It is a landmark in the centre of Edinburgh.

Tickets are available from the Usher Hall by phone on 0131 228 1155.  For online booking see web site below. At the time of writing the Usher Hall is unable to offer the sale of wheelchair spaces or free companion tickets on-line so those will need to be booked by phone.

The service of Celebration is in St.Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Cathedral, Palmeston Place on Wednesday 8th June 2011 at 7.30pm. It is the largest ecclesiastical building in Scotland and unique in maintaining the daily choral tradition. It is in the west end of Edinburgh, called the Haymarket, and its three spires can be seen dominating the skyline. It will be a ticketed service as seats are limited to about 1,200.

