Clergy anger over plan to raise church wedding fees

The price of happiness: Church of England marriage fees are set to soar from around £300 to £450

Vicars are fighting a Church of England plan to raise wedding fees by 50 per cent, fearing it will put more young couples off marriage, The Daily Mail reports.

The proposal, being mooted among church leaders, would see the cost of a traditional wedding soar from about £300 to £450.

The Church is also considering charging more than £100 for vicars to go to a private or council cemetery or crematorium after a church funeral, ending their free service.

Many in the Church believe the fees, which are set nationally, have been kept too low for years and the true cost to cash-strapped parishes is two or three times the sum now charged.

But plans to raise them will be resisted fiercely by many clergy who fear they will deter young people from following the example of Prince William and Kate Middleton by marrying in church.

A senior cleric said: ‘This is madness. We are trying to attract people through our doors but this will only send them away.’

The General Synod will debate the issue next month.

Church marriages have fallen by 40 per cent, to 50,000 a year, over a decade.

Now the Church has launched a campaign to recapture some of the market it has lost to civil ceremonies in stately homes or hotels, which account for 100,000 weddings a year.

Last summer it relaxed its rules so couples can marry in any church with which they have a ‘demonstrable’ link, such as a grandparent who was married there.

Previously, a couple were restricted to the parish where one or other of them lived.

Church leaders believe couples will be prepared to pay higher fees now that they can choose a photogenic church for their wedding. And they want the fee to reflect the ‘real cost’ of time taken by the vicar, administration and the expense of heating, lighting and maintaining the church.

But many clergy believe fees should be kept to a minimum to send out the message that everyone is welcome in church for such key events.
