One way to enhance the Instruments of Communion might be greater regional gatherings, involvement and understanding according to the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).
In a feedback plenary this morning, ACC members heard what their discussion groups had highlighted as the strengths and weaknesses of the current Instruments of Communion. Groups had also made suggestions of ways that the Instruments might be made more effective and better integrated.
Brazilian member Professor Joanildo Burity said the group had celebrated the “truly consultative nature of ACC-15” and he fed back on discussions regarding the ACC itself. “People strongly affirmed the value of having lay and ordained people meeting together,” he said, “It also gives an opportunity to learn about each other face to face and about the host Province.”
From the group, he proffered three suggested improvements to the Council. These were: a stronger lay presence at the meeting; promoting ongoing participation of ACC members in the life of the Communion between meeting—perhaps connected to Networks; and having regional representatives on the ACC to strengthen their links by convening between meetings.
Primates’ Meeting
West African representative The Very Revd Dr Herman Browne spoke as the convener of the group considering the role of the Primates’ Meeting. He summarised the discussions by saying there had been strong support for this Instrument “as a gathering or mutual affirmation and for the benefit of Primate themselves” in their roles as Provincial leaders.
“An effective Primates’ Meeting would be an enabling thing for the Provinces.” he said. “Especially if they share in some meaningful way with the Province they are representing.”
This group’s key proposal for enhancing this meeting, was a study of the Office of a Primate. “Not in order that they are made to look the same, rather so we can appreciate the variety of models [of Primacy] in our community.” This, he said, would help manage expectations of what Primates could and couldn’t do.
Lambeth Conference
The Rt Revd Susan Moxley from Canada presented the highlights of the group discussions on the Lambeth Conference. The value of the Lambeth Conference was the way it built collegiality and trusting relationships among bishops meeting face to face. The bishop said that, in particular, bishops value the ability to be able to “check out the truth of rumours we’ve all heard about each other. To say, ‘This is what we’re told about you’, ‘well that’s not true’” and vice versa.
Feedback from the group also highlighted the way that the Lambeth Conference presented the Communion with a chance to be a “visible sign of community” when it did something public such as the march to highlight the Millennium Development Goals in 2008.
That group’s suggestions for enhancing the efficacy of the Lambeth Conference included hosting regional meetings between, or even instead of the Conference; and gathering lay and clergy together before the conference so their thoughts and views would be brought along by their bishop.
Archbishop of Canterbury
The Revd Canon Dr Dickson Chilongani said his group had been considering the role of the Archbishop of Canterbury. They had reaffirmed the value of the role as a symbol of unity for the Anglican Communion and its spiritual and historical centre. The group also said the position had immense value as someone who participated at the highest level of church and world affairs. Dr Chilongani also said the group had commended the approachability and openness which had marked Archbishop Rowan Williams’ time in the role.
He added that the suggestion that the supremacy of the Anglican Communion should not always sit in England was also raised in the group.
Director for Unity Faith and Order at the Anglican Communion Office, Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan said that all the feedback from the groups would be going to IASCUFO1, and she encouraged the ACC members to continue the conversation in their Provinces.
She said that Anglican Communion Office staff would post the report on the Instruments of Communion–which would be reviewed by IASCUFO in the light of responses during the ACC-15 meeting–on the Canon Barnett-Cowan then asked members to share it with others and encourage them to send their comments to IASCUFO “because this is an ongoing conversation.”
Anglican Communion Covenant
The group conversations about the progress of the Anglican Communion Covenant, were summarised by Helen Biggin, member for the Church in Wales. She said the discussions had sometimes been “painful, but were generous hearted, without heat or rancour.”
She said, “In places where the Covenant is contentious, people remain committed to the Communion, to talk, to share, to relate to each other.” Mrs Biggin explained there had been a wide diversity of how the Covenant had been handled, from the grassroots discussion to “it being stuck in the House of Bishops”.
One strong feeling was that those who had considered it had learned more about “who we are as a Communion, and about ourselves as Churches. The process itself has been valuable.”
Prefacing her statements with the fact that all dialogues had been very positive, she said, “Some groups feel we simply don’t need a Covenant. There was strong affirmation for sections 1 to 3, but considerable caution for section 4. Some of the reasons for that included a reluctance to give one group authority over another; a concern that it would make Anglicanism confessional in a way it wasn’t before; the thought it might be punitive; some Provinces being unable to adopt it for their whole Province; and the question as to whether some might become second class citizens of the Communion.”
She added that the process of consideration continues. “Meanwhile…we continue to work together, share together, pray together and continue to seek God together.”