
Iraq: Catholic doctor shot at hospital

West not interested claim

A Chaldean Catholic doctor was shot at point-blank range at the Rabi’a hospital in the Sukar district of Mosul on Saturday, in the latest of a series of targeted attacks on Iraqi Christians.

Dr Nuyia Youssif Nuyia,  one of the leading heart specialists in the region, was shot by unidentified gunmen who burst into his clinic. The gun had a silencer. Dr Nuyia survived the attack but is said to be in a serious condition.  Married, with four children, Dr Nuyia was the private physician of the late Msgr. Faraj Rahho and many priests and religious.

An Iraqi Christian group released a statement complaining of the lack of support from Western countries for efforts to provide security to the religious minority in Iraq. The group charged that “the West denies its Christian roots and is indifferent to all religions,” adding that Western observers fail to recognize that “in these Muslim countries ‘democracy’ means ‘chaos.'”