Thomas Merton Society Retreat at Corrymeela

Saturday 19th February, 10.30am – 3.30pm

The next meeting of the NI Chapter of the Thomas Merton Society will be a short retreat at the Corrymeela retreat centre in Knocklayd on Saturday 19th February.  Beginning at 10.30am and finishing by 3.30pm, we will spend some time in silent reflection/prayer, discussion, sharing a meal and (weather permitting!) walking together.  The cost for the day will be £15 per person.  The group is open to all and is diverse in its composition; new members will be made most welcome.  For further information, or to book your place, please contact Rev. Dr. Scott Peddie at s.peddie@pattersonpeddie.com.

Thomas Merton (January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968) was a 20th century Anglo-American Cistercian monk who was a social activist, writer and poet active in the ecumenical and inter-faith movement.

The Thomas Merton Society came into existence on December 12th 1993 in Winchester, England at a celebration held to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Merton’s death. The Society publishes its own journal, The Merton Journal, organises conferences and retreats, and is an affiliated society of the ITMS which is based at the Thomas Merton Centre in Louisville, Kentucky.  The Northern Ireland Chapter was formed in 2010.