C of I news briefs

Clogher Bids Farewell to Bishop, Statement by Bishop of DerryClogher Bids Farewell to Bishop

This coming Sunday,10th April will be Bishop Michael Jackson’s final day as the Church of Ireland Bishop of Clogher.

Having served as bishop of the diocese since 2002, Bishop Jackson’s nine years in the Diocese of Clogher, which is his home diocese, will conclude with a special Farewell Service of Evening Prayer this Sunday in The Cathedral Church of St. Macartin, Enniskillen, commencing at 7.00pm, after which refreshments will be served in St. Macartin’s Cathedral Hall.

Parishioners from across the diocese have been invited through their Rectors to join together with representatives of the wider community and the various organisations which Bishop Jackson has been involved in.

Bishop Jackson will take up the position of Archbishop of Dublin and Glendalough on Monday 11th April 2011, and will be enthroned on Sunday 8th May 2011 at 4.00pm in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. He succeeds the Most Revd Dr John Neill, who has retired.

Statement from Bishop Ken Good regarding Graffitti in Bogside, following death of Constable Ronan Kerr

The statemeent reads: The strong reaction from the citizens in the Bogside and across our city has demonstrated that the sentiments expressed in some graffiti are wholly unrepresentative of the community. Rather they are the views of an increasingly isolated number of misguided individuals.

The united voice of the community has been more accurately expressed in the strong lead given by politicians, churches and sporting organizations, not least the GAA, in outrightly condemning the killing of Constable Ronan Kerr.