Historical Society to meet In Armagh

The next meeting of the Society will be held in the Public Library Armagh (Robinson Library) on Saturday, 7 May 2011.

The library is located at the northwest entrance gate to the Church of Ireland Cathedral.

Non-members are very welcome to attend.

10.30am: Coffee and registration

11am: Prof. Marie Therese Flanagan, ‘Episcopal culture in the twelfth-century Irish church.’

12pm: Ms Suzanne Forbes, ‘Publick and Solemn Acknowledgements: occasional days of prayer, fasting and thanksgiving in Ireland, 1689-1702.’ [COIHS Prize Essay, 2010]

12.30pm: Lunch will be provided at a modest sum

1.30pm: Prof. Andrew Carpenter, ‘The verse in Marsh’s Library: sacred, secular, satirical, and (even) saucy.’

3pm: Mr George Woodman, ‘An unlikely devotional ecumenist: Richard Mant and his translations from the Roman Breviary.’

The Speakers:
Prof. Marie Therese Flanagan is Professor of Medieval History and Director of Research, Ancient and Medieval at Queen’s University, Belfast. She is International Relations Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy. She has published extensively on twelfth-century Ireland. Her latest monograph is The transformation of the Irish church in the twelfth century (Woodbridge, 2010)

Ms Suzanne Forbes is an IRCHSS doctoral scholar at UCD. She has an MA in Early Modern History (UCD) and won last year’s COIHS student prize essay. Her doctoral thesis is entitled: ‘Society, Print and Politics in Ireland, 1690-1725’

Prof. Andrew Carpenter is a graduate of Oxford and UCD. He joined the School of English in UCD in 1970. He has written or edited almost 20 books, mainly in the field of eighteenth-century Anglo-Irish literature, and has published numerous articles.

Mr George Woodman is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin in Classics. His church history interests include contacts between churches in the East and the West, and in their mutual devotional influences. He has written on Nicholas Ferrar and the community of Little Gidding, and on the Christian contacts between Britain/Ireland and Bohemia/Moravia

There will be an opportunity for members to renew their annual subscriptions, if they have not done so already. The annual subscription was fixed last November at £35 or €40. Non-members are most welcome. They are asked to subscribe £7 or €10 to assist with the expenses of the conference.

The Church of Ireland Historical Society meets twice a year: in the Robinson Library, Armagh, in April, and in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, in November. It exists to promote scholarly interest in the history of the Church, and to facilitate publication.

Queries may be addressed to:
Adrian Empey, Hon. Sec. 
Telephone +353-1-4055056
e-mail: adrianempey@gmail.com