CITI Students To Lead Holy Week In Dungannon

A large number of the students of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute are to decamp from Dublin to the Parish of Drumglass, Dungannon (Diocese of Armagh) during Holy Week this year.

They will undertake a wide range of services and activities in St Anne’s, Dungannon and St Elizabeth’s, Moygashel. This is a new and innovative undertaking for the students and for the host parish.

CITI Director, the Revd Dr Maurice Elliott, said, ‘We are embarking on this teaching mission with a sense of anticipation. Many students have been working hard in preparation for the different events and we are excited by the potential of what we can realise by getting alongside parishioners. It is a great opportunity, which, as far as we’re aware, is a new thing for students to do, certainly in recent memory. It promises to be a memorable and worthwhile experience for everyone.’

The programme for the week will involve parish visiting, storytelling, primary school visits, youth nights, a children’s club, a shoppers’ service, a nursing home service and evening church services on Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.