C of I Newsbriefs

St Werburgh’s Passion Play to be broadcast on RTÉ television, CMSI farewell, KJV 400 Bible readings, Celebration in flowers at St Mark’s, Ballymacash

St Werburgh’s Passion Play to be broadcast on RTÉ television
St Werburgh’s Passion Play, which was performed in St Werburgh’s Church and the surrounding streets on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday 2010, will be broadcast as part of a documentary by Patrick Burke on RTÉ 1 on Maundy Thursday night at 11.05pm.
The play began in St Werburgh’s Church with a dramatic representation of the Last Supper before moving outside into the garden, which was lit by fires to represent the betrayal and arrest of Christ. On Good Friday, the play continued on the steps of St Werburgh’s with the trial of Christ. Following this, the Way of the Cross moved through the inner-city streets to the gates of Dublin Castle, where the crucifixion was re-enacted. The play ended with the stark reality of the empty cross, while thirty pieces of silver and red rose petals were scattered on the ground.

CMSI Farewell to John and Poppy Spens
To acknowledge the completion of service of John and Poppy Spens as Mission Associates, CMS Ireland and Dromore Cathedral are hosting a Sudan Focus Event for John and Poppy Spens, in the Clayton Hall, Dromore on Tuesday 10th May at 7.30pm. 

For those who can’t make the evening event there will be another chance to hear and speak to John and Poppy on Wednesday 11th May, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, in CMS Ireland’s Belfast offices.

Please bring as many family and friends as possible to this event/s so we can acknowledge the Spens tremendous contribution in four dioceses throughout South Sudan.

KJV 400 Bible readings
From Sunday 16th, in All Saints’ Church, Raheny, Dublin, the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible is being marked by a marathon reading of the Bible by 400 volunteers which will continue until Maundy Thursday while a similar project in Rossory parish church, Enniskillen, was launched at 7pm today by the Archbishop of Dublin.

Celebration in flowers at St Mark’s, Ballymacash

St Mark’s Parish Church, Ballymacash, Lisburn, will host a Flower Festival and historical exhibition entitled ‘Celebration,’ the event will be held over the weekend of Friday October 7 to Sunday October 9 2011.

In preparation for the festival and exhibition, the parish is asking anyone with connections, past or present, to St Mark’s to dig deep in a search for historical information relating to the parish.

Chris Scott, of the organising committee, said: “The Ballymacash area has developed significantly over the past 30 years. There are a few descendants of the families who resided in the area 100 years ago, but many have scattered province and worldwide.

“I have recently turned up cine film and old photos taken in the late 1950s in the Ballymacash area. I had to go to Glasgow to find this!! I have also received a photograph from the 50s/60s era depicting two residents from Ballymacash. It was emailed to me from the Whitehead area.”

Floral arrangements will be designed and co-ordinated by the renowned Rev William McMillan, and members of the Ballymacash Flower Club. For further information and advance bookings, please contact Sandra Vanner, telephone 028 9267 1250, email sandravanner@aol.com or contact the Rector the Rev Canon George Irwin at wgirwin@btopenworld.com.