
MU World President’s Christmas letter

Rosemary Kempsell in her Advent/Christmas letter to members writes:

“I have just returned from New Zealand after visiting Mothers’ Union members in that beautiful country.  It is a great joy for me in my role as Worldwide President to have the opportunity to travel and meet members in different countries and see their diverse cultures.    Mothers’ Union membership worldwide now exceeds 4 million and operates in 81 countries.   

“Christmas is a very special time for hearing from friends, relations and past work colleagues, often the only time that I communicate with some of them.  I suspect like me you will receive such newsletters highlighting how their year has been for them.  Keeping in touch with them and all of you, at this time of year, is something I always look forward to.

“I wish you every blessing and all the joy of Christmas as we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift of love that he has given to us that we now share with others.”