
Anglican Compass Rose Society to visit Brazil

The details of the 2011 Communion Visit by the Compass Rose Society, in the company of the Secretary General of the Communion, have been announced by Bishop Philip Poole.

Society members are invited to arrange travel to arrive in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, April 3rd for a Monday morning start.  The first part of the trip will take place in that city, where members can anticipate seeing the local church’s ministry in the Cidade de Deus (City of God).

Later in the week, members will fly to Belem near the mouth of the Amazon River.  The Amazon River basin has sometimes been called “God’s Garden” and members will witness the ministry of the church in that region.

The visit would conclude on Sunday, April 10th following worship.  All members should be in touch with Lynne Butt at the Anglican Communion Office prior to booking flights.  It is anticipated that members will book their own flights to and from Brazil, but that Lynne would book travel between Rio de Janeiro and Belem.

There are some excellent videos on the USPG website that describe the ministries of the Anglican Episcopal Church in Brazil.The Compass Rose Society is an association which takes its name from the symbol of the Anglican Communion. The Society established under the auspices of the Anglican Consultative Council so that individuals, parishes, dioceses, provinces, and organisations throughout the world could help provide the much-needed financial support for the work of the Anglican Communion.
These hardships were often unknown to the world at large. This was underscored by a 1994 visit Archbishop Carey made to the war-ravaged Province of the Sudan, a country seemingly forgotten by the media and the world. The story of the people of the Sudan had to be told and the Anglican Communion Office played a key role in telling that story to the larger world. The response from the Anglican family globally, both in prayer and financial support, was overwhelming. We made a difference. We rose to the challenge.
This year the Society was addressed by the Bishop of Haiti. The web site details a list of grants made to assist individuals to start and develop home industries. A few years ago the Society visited Belfast.