C of I news briefs

Cashel appointment, RSCM – Dublin Come and Sing, Connor ordinations, Training in Down & Dromore

Cashel appointment
The Revd Peter Tarleton has been appointed to the incumbency of Killeshin. He has served curacies in Dublin and Cork, was vicar in Limerick city and chaplain to the University (while Bishop Empey was dean) and then was for a time incumbent in Cootehill Co. Cavan before leaving for England where he has had a long ministry in hospital and prison chaplaincy, currently in the diocese of Liverpool.

Peter has been an Anglican priest for 38 years. He has previously worked as a Chaplain within the Prison Service for 20 years, a role which has taken him from Hindley Youth Custody Centre in Wigan, to HMP Lindholme near Doncaster and HMP Leeds in Armley.

Originally from Co Limerick in Ireland, Peter is a father and a grandfather. In his spare time Peter enjoys listening to jazz and folk music. Family holidays are often in Ireland, but also in France, where Peter enjoys walking in the Pyrenees.

He will be instituted in Killeshin Church on Sunday 13th November 2011 at 7 p.m.

RSCM – Dublin Come and Sing

Come and Sing: Fauré Requiem and Mendelssohn Hear my prayer  on 12 November 2011, at 1.30 pm in St Bartholomew’s Church, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Details @ MUSIC this site.

Connor ordinations

Four new deacons were ordained in the Diocese of Connor at a service held in St Colman’s Parish Church, Dunmurry, yesterday. They were ordained by the Bishop, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy. The preacher at the service was the Rev Dr Maurice Elliott, Director of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.

Jonathan Campbell–Smyth was ordained to serve an internship in the Parish of Ballywillan, Portrush. Jonny, 40, is married to Alison and the couple have two sons. A member of St Patrick’s, Coleraine, Jonny has been involved in short term mission and ministry both at home and abroad, particularly in Thailand, and worked for many years in IT.

Iain Jamieson was ordained to serve an internship in St Michael’s, Belfast. Iain was born in Zimbabwe and grew up in Shropshire. He studied philosophy and later criminology, and moved to Northern Ireland in his thirties. He volunteers in prison ministry and was a chaplaincy volunteer at Portlaoise in the South of Ireland during the summer.

Mellissa Jeffers was ordained to serve in the non–stipendiary ministry for the curacy of the grouped parishes of Finaghy and Upper Malone. A graduate of Stanmillis College, Belfast, Mellissa spent two years on Voluntary Service Overseas at a school in Nigeria, before gaining a Masters Degree in Library Studies. She has worked in schools, universities and libraries, and was formerly Principal Officer with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service.

Alistair Morrison was ordained to serve an internship in the Parish of Dunmurry. A native of the Ards Peninsula, he studied at Belfast Bible College in the late 1980s. Prior to training for ordination Alistair was an architectural technician specialising in the restoration of historic buildings. He is father to two sons and a daughter.

Major emphasis on training in Down & Dromore

Down and Dromore diocese has placed a major emphasis on training this autumn

The Exploring Ministry Network Course is designed to help individuals discover their spiritual gifts and passion for ministry beyond their own parish. It begins today, 5th September in Belfast.

The Bishop’s Bible Certificate Course begins on 6th October and facilitates individuals in a deeper study of Scripture.

Prayer Ministry Training with New Wine Ireland is available at Willowfield Parish Church for 5 weeks beginning on Tuesday 4th October.

Those  in their 20s or 30s who  sense a call to preach, s are advised to speak to their rector about the Diocesan Readers 2030 initiative.

See also the training opportunities offered by the Church of Ireland – details @ CHILDREN & YOUTH , this site:
For those involved in children’s ministry,  the Building Blocks Conference in Belfast on 12th November.
… And the Church of Ireland’s Children’s Ministry Certificate, beginning 15th October