No point in churches meeting with Sinn Fein – former Presbyterian moderator

A leading Protestant churchman has said that he sees no point in church leaders meeting Sinn Fein at this time.

The Very Rev Dr Norman Hamilton said that “any such meetings would be pointless for the foreseeable future”, the Belfast News Letter reports.

The former moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland said that he has reached that conclusion “given the events of the past few weeks”.

In a letter to the News Letter, Dr Hamilton explains that he has met representatives of Sinn Fein “over the years … on many occasions”.

Dr Hamilton, who for more than 20 years has been a minister at Ballysillan in a part of Belfast, the north, which was a flashpoint during the Troubles.

He has long been involved in reconciliation work.

While not referring to the funeral of the IRA leader Bobby Storey, to which thousands of people turned up, Rev Hamilton says: “A working principle has now been established [at Stormont] that people can do what is right in their own eyes, irrespective of the impact on wider society.”

The blunt intervention is highly unusual from a senior churchman.

His comments have been welcomed by the former IRA bomber Shane Paul O’Doherty, a born-again Christian who has turned against republican terrorism, and who has been particularly critical of the Roman Catholic church for appearing to have dropped its past opposition to flags in funerals and to have softened its past criticism of republicans.

He told the News Letter last night: “The churches have been to the fore in incorporating the brazenly unrepentant IRA mafia into the body politic.

“I welcome Rev Hamilton’s comments but it is a bit late for the churches to be complaining that Sinn Fein is misbehaving.”

Report courtesy of the Belfast News Letter
First published 18 July 2020