Gazette calls for breathing space

The Church of Ireland Gazette is calling for “breathing space” in the row over gay clergy.

The Gazette, edited by Canon Ian Ellis, stated in its leading article that while civil partnership is not a marriage, “and does not necessarily involve same-sex sexual expression, there is a very wide perception that it is a form of gay marriage, and perceptions are often as important as facts”.

The paper added: “Differing views on this subject have co-existed in a relatively settled way in the Church of Ireland during the inter-Anglican debate over recent years, but what has now developed jeopardises that situation.

“While those on one side see an advance for gay rights in the Church, those on the other side feel that there has been an unacceptable, unilateral move.

“The Church now needs a breathing space, and the relevant bodies should be allowed the opportunity to reflect.”

See – Blog of 13th September “Death of a bishop”, and other reports on this site.