
Insight on MU work in Kenya

The Rt. Rev Stephen Njihia Mwangi Bishop of Nakuru Diocese, Kenya and his wife Hannah, Mothers’ Union, Diocesan President and Kenya Provincial President visited the MU in Salisbury diocese recently.

Hannah described the work of the Diocese of Nakuru which is north-west of Nairobi.
These ladies work hard!  There are two Community development Co-ordinators in Nakuru who travel extensively across the diocese, sometimes taking 2 or 3  days to reach a destination.  The members work tirelessly at local level where fundraising is a high priority.  An annual ‘talents week’ across the diocese raises funds for prisoners, orphans, widows and widowers, items for churches and church kitchens.  Men in the diocese were recently challenged by the Bishop to ‘match’ the women’s commitment, everything has a sign ‘Donated by the Mothers’ Union’.

The Mothers’ Union has been very involved with the St. Nicholas Children’s Home in Nakuru.  Sadly due to lack of funding the numbers of children has dropped to 39 from over 100 yet the need is still great.  Children are provided with clothing, other personal items and food, Mothers’ Union also support school fees and provide ‘parenting’.  There are only 3 staff at the Orphanage at present.  At special times of the year the children return to their extended families to maintain the relationship and identity

In the parishes, Mothers’ Union members are responsible for a lot of education on health, farming in drought and legal matters, especially women’s rights as mothers and land issues for the widowed.   Mothers’ Union members have great business sense – a girls hostel originally built for £20,000 through Mothers’ Union subscriptions, for girls coming from the country for education to be safe, has now been turned into a conference centre.

The rental income is used for other Mothers’ Union projects furthering our aim and objectives.

It was clear that Nakuru members are extremely busy women, working to help others in many ways.  When they do get together it is often for celebration and fellowship rather than to hear a speaker.

Hannah and Bishop Stephen spoke warmly of the prayers and messages, as well as funds, received from Mothers’ Union members in Salisbury and MSH during recent troubles during elections.

The report from Salisbury MU stated that continuing prayer was requested :

·         For the refugees from fighting in Sudan who have been sheltering in Nakuru and are now returning home

·         For farming issues – Bp Stephen did not talk of being affected by the drought troubling areas further north in Kenya – which are ongoing although this is a very effective agricultural diocese – coffee and tea being significant crops

·         For the ability of members to raise the funds to match their vision to serve

·         Give thanks for their commitment and hard work

·         Pray for Hannah who will have to be re-nominated as Provincial President for the next triennium and for her considerable workload as diocesan and provincial presidents.

·         For the two project workers and their travel issues – it certainly brought home the need for the Wheels Appeal

·         That we who are resource-rich would learn to use the resources available to us.