C of I – news briefs

Sister Irene Lockett 60th Commissioning Anniversary, Welcome for Bishop Rooke, Transforming Communities, Armagh appointments, Dialogue is key, Walk Celebrates 200 years, Growth at Mount Merrion,  Newtownards institution, Youth news, Music news, MU news

Sister Irene Lockett 60th Commissioning Anniversary

On Wednesday 28 September, Sister Irene Lockett clelebrates the 60th anniversary of her commissioning as a Church Army officer.

Irene served in Kenya with CMS/Mothers Union and Church Army, at home as the Children’s work adviser for CMSI and then in Willowfield Parish.

Two events are planned in order to celebrate and give thanks for Irene’s ministry and to challenge others to follow her example.

Sunday 25 September at 5.30pm 
A service in Willowfield Church followed by a cake cutting.

Wednesday 28 September 11am–2.30pm
  11am Coffee and tray bakes at Willowfield Church
 11.30am Holy Communion Service, celebrant David McClay
You are warmly invited to attend.

Welcome for Bishop Rooke

The Most Reverend Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam, in a statement on the occasions of the consecration of the Bishop of Tuam said: “I warmly welcome the Ordination today of the Right Rev Patrick Rooke, Dean of Armagh as the new Church of Ireland Bishop of the united dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry.  Having spent the last 33 years working in the North of Ireland I am glad that he will get a chance to minister in the West of Ireland where he has maternal and family roots.  His sister Mrs Brigid Clesham, who lives in Cong is a well know historian in the West of Ireland and has done some excellent work in the past few years on the Tuam diocesan archives.

“Having had an excellent working relationship with the recently retired Bishop Henderson – I very much look forward to that cordial friendship with the Church of Ireland continuing and to working in close collaboration with Dean Rooke in the future.

“Congratulations, best wishes and every grace and blessing to Bishop Rooke, to his wife Alison and his children Emily, Nicholas and Susana for many happy years of fruitful ministry in the Western dioceses.”

Transforming Communities

Rectors and Parish Development Teams from Derry & Raphoe have been invited to Jackson’s Hotel in Ballybofey on September 29 for an evening of encouragement and to share good news stories from their parishes. The diocesan theme is “Transforming communities, radiating Christ”. The event will be attended by over 1,000 people. At the last such event, Bishop Ken Good quipped that he had often sung ‘O for a thousand tongues to sing’, but it was the first time he had heard a thousand people sing it.

Armagh appointments

Revd J McLoughlin has been appointed Rector of the grouped parishes of Clonfeacle Derrygortreavy and Eglish.
The Rev McLoughlin is presently Curate Assistant in St Mark’s, Armagh. The date of his institution has still to be decided.

The institution of the Rev Andrew Rawding as Rector of the grouped parishes of Brackaville, Donaghendry and Ballyclog will take place on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at 7.30 pm.  The service will be held in Brackaville Church (Coalisland).

Dialogue is key

Preaching at a service of Choral Eucharist in St Anne’s Cathedral on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the Dean of Belfast has called for churches to ‘explore the channels of faith dialogue.’

The cost in terms of human life, as well as the economic and social effects of the events in the USA 10 years ago, demands the Church does this, the Very Rev John Mann stated.

“Religious extremism apart, the central path of the religious life of the world faiths is largely one that seeks dialogue.  The basis upon which dialogue can take place between faith groups centres on a crucial principle, that of mutual recognition of the fundamental integrity of the other faith communities with which engagement is taking place.”

Dean Mann said, “We commemorate, we remember, we pray, conscious that in doing these things we are pleading within for a peaceful world; hearts at peace; communities at peace; where justice and compassion and mercy are not at the beck and call of the powerful.”

A single candle burned throughout the 11am service in the Cathedral from an opening moment of remembrance and during prayers and intercessions.

Walk Celebrates 200 years

To celebrate 200 years of Christian witness and worship in the City of Armagh a member of St Mark’s Select Vestry, John Davies is undertaking a 200 mile walk which will cover the whole of Armagh Diocese.  During this walk Mr Davies hopes to greet representatives from each parish within the diocese.  As he explains, “As a parish we wish to reach out to all the parishes in the Diocese of Armagh and offer a sign of peace.”

Growth at Mount Merrion

The Bishop of Down and Dromore introduced the Revd Adrian Green as Bishop’s Curate of Mount Merrion Parish at a lively and informal service on 7th September 2011.

Adrian preached to a full church of parishioners and supporters of all ages and there was a real air of celebration as the parish officially welcomed him as their pastor.

”I’ve been associated with the Church of the Pentecost for just over three years now and it has proven to be an exciting and fruitful time,” he said. “While curate of Willowfield Parish Church I was ‘let loose’ on the Cregagh estate and together with a small but willing bunch of parishioners, have sought to present Mount Merrion Parish Church in a positive light to those living around us and to play our part in the community.

”In that time the church has grown from around twenty worshippers on a Sunday morning to over sixty and there are a growing number of children and teenagers coming on a regular basis. There is still much to be done and it is a privilege to be asked to stay on as Bishop’s Curate to further develop the work that has already been established on the estate.

”I am grateful for the help and encouragement from the growing group of people who have chosen to make the Church of the Pentecost their home and am excited as to what God has in store for us as we seek his leading.”

Adrian grew up in Finaghy and after school served in the Royal Navy for eight years before leaving and taking up several roles in the Pharmaceutical Industry. He trained for the ministry at Trinity Theological College in Bristol and was ordained in June 2008, after which he moved back to Belfast.

Adrian is married to Linda and has five children; Hannah, Joe, Sam, Ben and Mia.

Newtownards institution

The Bishop of Down and Dromore instituted the Revd Chris Matchett as rector of St Mark’s, Newtownards, in the Diocese of Down, on Friday 9 September at 8pm. He succeeds Cnon Ken Smyth. The preacher at the service was Revd Ken Lindsay, Minister of Ballinamallard Methodist Church. Revd Lindsay is President Designate of the Methodist Church in Ireland and a valued colleague of Chris in his former parish.

Chris says that he is, “A native of Londonderry, I worked as an accountant before training for ordination. I met my wife, Ali, who was the Crosslinks Youth Worker, while I was at Theological College and we have three children, Daniel, Simon and Kathryn – one born in each of the three parishes I have served in so far.

“I served two curacies in Down & Dromore and our return to the Diocese has come as a surprise following more than 7 years as rector of Magheracross in Clogher Diocese. Our time in Fermanagh, with its close family ties and wonderful countryside, is something we will all treasure, and God has taught us much through both the people and the place.

“As desperately as we will miss being part of Ballinamallard, we are excited about moving to St Mark’s. We’re pleased that there are green fields and a Lough nearby to help with the culture shock, but I’m looking forward most to getting to know the people of the parish and to seeing the ministry and witness of St Mark’s to the wider community of Newtownards continue to grow.

“I confess to feeling daunted by the thought of coming to such a large parish, but this move has been an exercise in trusting God for each of us in our family, and if sometimes it feels that all we have is God’s call, then that’s all right, because that’s all we ever need. As I believe this for us, I also believe it for the people of Magheracross and St Mark’s.”

Also on this site:

Children & Youth – reports on activities in Limerick and Armagh, opportunity for a young leader with Wilberforce Academy

Music news: Dublin Gospel Concert, Stuart Townend tour, Robin Mark concert in Lurgan, North Antrim organ, Priory Singers concert in Portadown.

MU news: International Literacy Day, Insight from Kenya, News briefs

Click on each day at PRAY2DAY – on CNI for A Quote, A Bible Text and a Prayer or two.