360 Miscellany

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Photo above – Hay bale superheroes pay tribute to NHS workers during pandemic. The masked marvels are attracting visitors to a Co Tyrone field

‘All Aboard Bitesized’ – support for children’s church

As children go back to school in September, they will stay in year group bubbles in order to minimize the spread of infection.

Since children’s groups in church consist of children from different year groups and different schools coming together, many churches have decided to delay reopening their children’s groups in a face-to-face format.

To help churches as they seek to connect with children and families during the first part of the new school term the All Aboard Sunday School material will be available in a bitesized format.

Connor Children’s Project Development Officer Jill Hamilton said: “All Aboard Bitesized can be used by churches during this period before face-to-face children’s groups are reopened.

“The resource consists of an activity sheet for children and families to do at home and a short accompanying video, based on the All Aboard material.”

All Aboard Bitesized will be available from September 2020 from the Ripple Connor website.

Prayers for missing Belfast Priest

Crowds gathered in the Short Strand yesterday evening to pray for Fr Stephen Rooney who is missing after a boating accident in the Detroit River.

Vote for your favourite Christmas Carol

It may be only August but Songs Of Praise is already on the search for the UK’s most popular Christmas Carol. The UK’s favourite will be revealed on Dec 20th. Cast your vote at http://bbc.co.uk/songsofpraise.

Sojourners replaces Wallis as editor over controversy over removal of article

Sojourners Magazine has replaced Jim Wallis as editor-in-chief. Wallis remains president of the advocacy group Sojourners. The move comes after an on-going controversy over his decision to remove an article critical of the Catholic Church’s stance on racism.

The new editor-in-chief, Sandi Villarreal, was asked by Wallis to replace him.

In defence of his editorial decision, Wallis argued that whatever merits of the article they were superseded by the need to protect Sojourner’s advocacy work by maintaining good relations with the Catholic Church. The move to separate the leadership of the magazine from Sojourners is designed to preserve the independence of the magazine while protecting the advocacy work of Sojourners.

Two members of the staff resigned in the wake of the removal of the article. The article, The Catholic Church has a Visible White-power Faction, has since been reposted to the website.

Antrim council’s Good Relations Grant Scheme

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Good Relations Grant Scheme and its PCSP Grant Schemes are both open for applications.
For more details on the schemes and to see if your projects could be applicable, visit –
[ http://midandeastantrim.gov.uk/grants ]

Well said

“In the evening of life we will be judged on love alone.” – John of the Cross

Pointers to prayer

Today we pray and hold before God the increased waste produced during the pandemic. Medical waste such as face masks and gloves has been found in seas across the world, and is affecting wildlife. God, we pray for sustainable solutions, and for responsible consumption.

Let’s pray for school staff, children and young people this week as school starts back.

God in creation

