Image of atheism is cool, says Archbishop Williams

The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted the Church of England is struggling to counter the image of atheism as “the new cool thing”.

Dr Rowan Williams argued it has become difficult for the Church to convey its message because of the popularity of non-believers such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens a report in the Daily Telegraph stated. It continued:

He said attempts to reverse the decline in worshippers had begun but that there will be “no quick fix”.

His remarks came despite new research, released by the Roman Catholic Church, suggesting that the Pope’s visit to Britain a year ago has brought a lasting rise in the level of spiritual and religious feeling in the country.

Speaking at Canterbury Cathedral in a public conversation with Frank Skinner, the comedian, Dr Williams argued that the growing popularity of atheism had not necessarily led to a fall in the number of people who believe in God. (See earlier report on this site).

“I’d want to know how many atheists [Richard Dawkins’ book] The God Delusion created,” he said.”The book sold, but did it make a difference to the number of people who were actually committed one way or the other?

He continued: “I’m not avoiding the point that the coolness of atheism is very much in evidence. The problem is it’s become a bit of a vicious circle. Atheism is cool, so books about atheism are cool.

“They get a high profile, and books that say Richard Dawkins is wrong don’t get the same kind of publicity because atheism is the new cool thing.

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