360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

4 m wide wreath at York Minster

An exciting day as the Advent Wreath, which is a huge 4m wide, is being risen for the first time in 3 years.

Advent marks the beginning of the Church year, which started this year on 29th November. It’s a season of expectation as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. Many churches use an Advent wreath of candles to mark the four Sundays of Advent, lighting a new candle each

Reflections for Advent 2020 from the Archbishop of Dublin

Throughout Advent 2020, Archbishop Michael Jackson will offer a series of video reflections based on a reading for each week against the backdrop of an Advent and Christmas that will be like no other.

The reflections will begin this Sunday, (November 29), the first Sunday in Advent and culminate on Christmas Day. A new reflection will be available to view each Sunday on the Dublin & Glendalough website – [ www.dublin.anglican.org ] or on the Dublin & Glendalough YouTube channel. (Subscribe to the channel so that you don’t miss out on any of the reflections.) There will be links from the diocesan Facebook and Twitter feeds also.

Each week, the readings will be delivered by a different person. On the first Sunday in Advent, Dublin & Glendalough’s Youth Ministry Coordinator, Susie Keegan, will read from Isaiah 64:1–9. The Archbishop’s theme for this week is ‘Fire’.

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, Advent Carol Service online

The annual Advent Carol Service was recorded by the Cathedral Choir over the last few weeks. The service is at –
and will remain there (along with St Patrick’s other carol services) throughout the festive season.

Lighten our Darkness – an ADVENTure for Christmas from Christ Church Bray

Christ Church Bray will be looking at the journey to Bethlehem from the viewpoint of God’s messengers – the Angels. Each day in Advent ‘Lighten our Darkness – an ADVENTure for Christmas’ will follow the story with a new chapter on the parish Facebook page and their website
[ www.christchurchbray.ie. ]

Connor daily online Advent worship

Each day during Advent, Connor Diocese hopes to post a short online act of worship on the Connor Facebook page. The series began on Advent Sunday with worship led by the Bishop, the Rt Rev George Davison. At –
[ https://facebook.com/DioceseofConnor ]

Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh Lights Shining in the Darkness

This week’s diocesan online Advent Sunday service comes from St. John’s Cathedral, Sligo. At the end of the service a lovely montage of ‘Lights Shining in the Darkness’ from all across the diocese. YouTube:
[] https://youtu.be/hyfjAsbh5vw

CMS and SAMS online Carol service

Launching tomorrow, 1st December, Hope Dawns is an online carol service, featuring carols, stories and readings for Advent and the New Year.

Cork city recognition of Cathedral anniversary

St Fin Barre’s Cathedral was honoured by the Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Joe Kavanagh and Cork City Council this weekend. Until tonight, Monday, Cork City Hall is being illuminated in purple to mark the 150th anniversary of the consecration of St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork.

Pointers to prayer

Merciful God, bless those working with perpetrators of gender-based violence. Give them your wisdom and resources to bring about lasting transformation of lives.

Righteous God, help those who administer justice for victims and survivors of gender-based violence to make decisions with integrity and compassion. Amen

DR Congo: Goma Diocese – Following the death of Bishop Desire, pray for his wife, Mama Claudaline Muhindo, his four children and for the many others who saw him as a father figure. Pray for the peace and reconciliation projects that Bishop Desire worked so hard to establish.

Creator God, thank you that we are all made in your image, and equally loved by you. Open our eyes to see your face in those of our sisters and brothers.

God in creation
