C of I Synod – Charities Bill, St Patrick’s Cathedral Board status

Legislating for stewardship

Charities Bill

A Bill to provide for the inclusion in the Constitution of the Church of Ireland of provisions which are desirable for the purpose of ensuring charitable recognition for Church of Ireland bodies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland received its first and second readings at General Synod meeting online yesterday (Tuesday December 1).

Proposed by Ven Leslie Stevenson and Hazel Corrigan, at the request of the Representative Church Body and Standing Committee, Bill No 1 deals with the requirement to insert certain clauses into the Constitution to reflect the nature of the work and mission of the Church which will enable the regulatory authorities to recognise various bodies of the Church as registered charities.

If approved by members, the new clauses, along with the Statements of Charitable Purpose, Charitable Objects and Public Benefit, will be incorporated into a new Chapter in the Constitution.

Proposing the Bill, Archdeacon Stevenson noted that the revision of charities legislation with the establishment of two new regulatory authorities had been almost 15 years in development and it was hoped to complete the registration of the remaining parishes in the Republic of Ireland within the coming months bringing a significant phase of work across the Church to a conclusion.

“From the Church’s point of view, strong governance and application of these charitable regulations is an important demonstration of our Christian witness and attests to the integrity of the Church’s structures. This, in turn, offers certainty to Church members and to the wider public in terms of how we raise and manage funds, and how we deliver public worship and pastoral ministry,” he stated.

The Bill has passed its first and second stages and will return to Synod for its final reading today.

Bill on Board of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin

A Bill which seeks to incorporate the Board of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, as a company limited by guarantee has been proposed at General Synod meeting online yesterday (Tuesday December 1). The Cathedral Board manages various functions of the cathedral including the preservation, restoration and repair of the fabric of the cathedral.

The Board is an unincorporated association with charitable status and is currently undertaking a major project for the repair and restoration of the roof of the Cathedral at a cost of approximately €9 million. Bill No 2, proposed by the Very Revd Dr William Morton and seconded by Albert Fenton, seeks to incorporate the Board as a company limited by guarantee to facilitate the raising of funds and the contractual arrangements for this project as well as to provide the protection of limited liability to the members.

Proposing the Bill Dean Morton explained that no changes were sought in the membership or functions of the board.

Speaking to the Bill, the Dean of Waterford, the Very Revd Maria Jansson, expressed her support for the Bill adding that in Waterford they had been down this route and it works.

Bill No 2 has passed its first and second stages and will receive its third and final reading today.
