360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Hope Dawns, an online service for Advent and Christmas

On December 1, the Church Mission Society Ireland (CMSI) launchesd Hope Dawns, an online service of stories and carols for Advent and Christmas.

The service includes music, prayers and readings from across the Church of Ireland, as well as stories of hope from the global Church, provided by CMSI and the South American Mission Society Ireland (SAMS).

Speaking about the initiative, CMSI’s Mission Resource Manager Roger Cooke said:

“In CMSI, we have been struck by the creativity and flexibility that churches across Ireland have shown throughout 2020, as they have found new ways to stay connected and help their congregations to worship together. With such an increased reliance on virtual gatherings, we thought an online carol service would be a useful resource for churches.

“This is very much a collaborative enterprise. Over 20 individuals from across the Church of Ireland are contributing to the service, along with six choirs and a number of Global Partners. We are delighted that SAMS Ireland are joining us to host the service. CMSI and SAMS share a desire to keep the global Church on the agenda at this time and to learn from God’s people in other places, as they share hope in the midst of crises.”

‘Hope’ is the central theme of this service, reflecting both the message of Advent and CMSI’s own annual focus: ‘Voices Of Hope’.

Hope Dawns will initially be launched as a virtual carol service, which can be viewed at 8pm on Tuesday 1st December. The videos of the full service and the individual segments will then be made available to view and download. Parishes and church groups are encouraged to make use of the material in their own settings throughout Advent.

To find out more about the Hope Dawns service, visit
[] www.cmsireland.org/hope-dawns.

From to Switzerland to Willowfield

The Revd Canon Clive Atkinson has been appointed incumbent of Willowfield Parish in East Belfast. Clive and his wife Yvonne have spent the last 18 years in Switzerland where Clive has pastored three Anglican churches.

Originally from Northern Ireland, Clive spent the majority of his childhood in Lisburn, attending Wallace High School. Faithful parents, loving youth leaders and Christian friends all played their part in Clive coming to a living faith as a 15–year old. He describes how, for no apparent reason, he began to read a Gideon pocket Bible given to him at school. The more he read the more he wanted to read and soon the Jesus of the scriptures became a living reality to him.

Yvonne was born in Oxford but grew up in Coleraine. Her family were committed members of St Patrick’s Coleraine where she came to faith as a young girl and has never looked back.

Clive and Yvonne met at the Church of Ireland Chaplaincy at Queen’s University where Yvonne was working. Clive saw her for the first time across a crowded church and decided this was the girl for him. It took Yvonne at least three years to come to the same conclusion. They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in 2020. They have two adult children, Jacob and Rebekah.

Clive was ordained in 1990 and served as curate in North Belfast with Holy Trinity Joanmount and Emmanuel, Ardoyne. His first incumbency was in West Belfast, with St John the Baptist, Suffolk Estate, before moving to Switzerland.

Reflecting on what makes him tick, Clive says, “I love the challenge of taking the Apostolic Faith which has been handed down to us by generation of believers, and seeing that come alive in our contemporary world. I am convinced that we have a story that has the power not only to transform individual people but entire communities. I love the thought of being part of a Church family that is devoted to the Lord Jesus and who will allow the Lord to shape every aspect of their lives. And all of this done, rooted in the Father’s endless love and grace and empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit.”

The service of institution will take place after Easter 2021 on a date to be announced. The new rector will succeed the Bishop of Down & Dromore.

A light on a hill

Holy Trinity, Ballylesson, sits on a small hill beside the Giant’s Ring south-east of Belfast, and can be seen for miles around. Even more so on these winter evenings with the lights that now adorn the tower.

The parish has launched a photo competition for the youth in the community themed, ‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it”. There are prizes!

12th Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, installed

Canon Olive Donohoe was installed as 12th Canon of the Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Advent Sunday (November 29). Canon Donohoe, who is Rector of Athy, was installed by the Dean, the Very Revd Dermot Dunne in the presence of Archbishop Michael Jackson. Also present at the service, which was livestreamed from the cathedral, was Olive’s husband Bill King.

Dean Dunne welcomed Olive to the chapter. “I was delighted to affirm the appointment of Olive to the 12th canonry on the cathedral chapter,” he said. “Olive is a dear friend who brings a lot of experience to her role. Last year we were very happy to receive a gift from Olive of seven icons of the seven archangels. Olive wrote these icons as part of her annual retreat over many years. It feels appropriate that the author of the icons will now be an integral part of cathedral life and a part of its history. I wish Olive and her new husband Bill every blessing on their recent marriage and every blessing as Olive takes a new step in her varied and interesting path of ministry.”

Archbishop Jackson added: “Olive has always combined compassion and companionship in her ministry. Her instinct is to embrace the stranger and the outcast. As Canon of Christ Church Cathedral Olive will bring a perspective that is both rounded and probing in its integrity”.

CMSI Zoom gathering will focus on South Sudan

CMS Ireland is hosting a Zoom event this weekend with the mission organisation’s five partner bishops from South Sudan.

This will be an opportunity to focus specifically on South Sudan and the issues CMSI partners are facing there. Each of the bishop’s will have time to share with and interact with participants about their diocese and prayer needs.

The event will take place on Saturday November 28 at 12 noon. To join, please register.

CMSI says this will be an exceptional opportunity to meet with all partner bishops as they will be in Juba for the House of Bishops’ meeting that weekend. It is hoped that the internet connection will be better than it sometimes is, allowing those bishops who normally can’t connect to be part of the virtual gathering.

Connor Diocese has been in partnership with the Diocese of Yei, South Sudan, since 2007. The Bishop of Yei is the Rt Rev Hilary Adebe Luate.

Keep on smiling

Pointers to prayer

Lord Jesus, be with those who work with survivors of gender-based violence. May they be given the resources they need to offer long lasting support.

Righteous God, help those who administer justice for victims and survivors of gender-based violence to make decisions with integrity and compassion. Amen

DR Congo: Goma Diocese – Following the death of Bishop Desire, pray for his wife, Mama Claudaline Muhindo, his four children and for the many others who saw him as a father figure. Pray for the peace and reconciliation projects that Bishop Desire worked so hard to establish.

Creator God, thank you that we are all made in your image, and equally loved by you. Open our eyes to see your face in those of our sisters and brothers.
