360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Funding for quality livestreaming service for St Patrick’s, Dublin

The Dean’s gift day proved very successful this year with over €30,000 raised towards the cost of upgrading the livestreaming facility for cathedral services. In an effort to bridge the gap between the gift day total and the estimated €50,000 needed to purchase and install the high quality equipment required, an application was made to Allchurches Trust, the charitable body that owns the cathedral’s insurer ‘Ecclesiastical’. Through their ‘Hope Beyond’ grant scheme they have awarded the cathedral the very welcome amount of £6,900 towards this project. “Not only are we delighted with the financial contribution but the grant is also a strong validation of the project. It will help to ensure we can deliver a quality livestreaming service, allowing those who cannot attend in person to join with us in our worship and remain connected to the wider Cathedral community” said a cathedral spokesperson.

A Great Big Gospel Giveaway!

Almost 60,000 copies of John’s Gospel will be given out in the Diocese of Down and Dromore between now and early New Year.

The offer of free pocket–sized gospels was taken up by 32 of its parishes, each of whom is receiving personalised copies to share with their community. They are supplied by the Pocket Testament League for whose ministry the diocese and parishes are very grateful.

As well as the text, the gospels contain a message from the church and their contact details are on the back.

There are many ways to share the true story of the life and message of Jesus but with all of the current restrictions around social distancing, copies will be posted or delivered with care by teams going door to door.

Why share the word of God?

– God’s word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12)

– It has the power to transform lives (2 Corinthians 5:17)

– No one tells God’s story, and His amazing offer for His Creation, better than God himself!

With the above in mind, the diocese is encouraging prayer for the Gospel Giveaway with its offer of life and hope in these uncertain times.

RTÉ Service to Celebrate 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood

Please note differences in scheduled broadcast times for radio and television

On the third Sunday of Advent, Bishop Pat Storey will celebrate a Eucharistic Service with a diverse group of Church of Ireland women priests, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church.

Participants will include the Very Revd Susan Green, the Ven Ruth Elmes, Canon Gillian Wharton, the Revd Nicola Halford, the Revd Cathy Hallissey, the Revd Katherine Poulton, and Bishop Michael Burrows.

The Service will be broadcast on RTÉ One television at 11.10am with a transmission on RTÉ Radio 1 Extra/LW252 at 11.00am.

Only visitor to the C of I General Synod this year

The only visitor to the C of I General Synod this year, Dr Janet Unsworth of the Methodist Church of Ireland, brought greetings from the Methodist Conference. She said the Methodist Church had valued its friendship with the Church of Ireland over the difficult months and Edgehill Theological College and enjoyed its association with the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. In the season of Advent she said we now could look forward in hope.

Responses to C of I General Synod

In his concluding remarks Archbishop John McDowell thanked everyone who had persevered and attended Synod which was very different from the usual Synod experience. He thanked the Archbishop of Dublin for his chairing of one of the sessions. He also thanked all who had served for the past three years. He paid tribute to those who technically facilitated the Synod and the Honorary Secretaries who had to turn the organisation of Synod around very quickly when it was found that the law required that Synod be held.

The RB staff were a lot less visible than usual, the Archbishop noted while thanking them. He also thanked the Primate’s assessor, who he said had been called upon on innumerable occasions recently, for giving his time and expertise unfailingly. “Most of all I hope and really look forward to seeing you all in Armagh next year where Synod is due to be,” he said adding that it is due to take place in May 2021.

Joan Bruton (Meath and Kildare) said it had been an unusual Synod. But she noted that the attendance had been as high as 431 and wondered if it would be possible to have some participants attend General Synod by Zoom in future which could improve attendance. She also suggested that the process of counting of votes at General Synod should be examined in order to reduce the time it took. She suggested that those attending Synod this year should be asked what they thought of it. Archbishop McDowell invited people to make their feelings on Synod known.

Sam Harper (Cashel, Ferns and Ossory) thanked the Archbishop for his gracious chairing of Synod. Jock Sanders (Limerick and Killaloe) congratulated all who facilitated this Zoom Synod. He said it was wonderful that Synod had been able to meet but expressed concern that the usual contributions from the floor were not forthcoming and discussion was not had which reduced the value of Synod, he suggested.

 Pointers to prayer

Pray for Keith & Lyn Scott in Zambia where St John’s Theological Seminary lecturers are planning for a new term with a reduced staff team and limited resources. Pray for the seminary as it adjusts without the Scotts. Pray for the students as they prepare for leadership roles in the Church.

Pray for children who have missed out on schooling during the pandemic. A new tutoring scheme aims to close the attainment gap as disadvantaged students have fallen behind, but may not have the necessary scope for all children who need it.

Lord Jesus, be with those who work with survivors of gender-based violence. May they be given the resources they need to offer long lasting support.

Righteous God, help those who administer justice for victims and survivors of gender-based violence to make decisions with integrity and compassion. Amen

Creator God, thank you that we are all made in your image, and equally loved by you. Open our eyes to see your face in those of our sisters and brothers.
