360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Visit Canterbury Link

Photo above – the Dean of Canterbury, Dr Robert Willis with the cathedral pigs and hens.

Did you miss Canterbury Cathedral on Paul O’Grady’s Great British Escape this week?
Catch up on ITV player now ⬇️

Sign up for Inter–Church Updates from the ICC

The Irish Council of Churches is sharing the news that the first issue of a new quarterly email update will be sent out later this month. Potential readers are encouraged to sign up to the ICC’s mailing list to receive this and circulate to contacts and colleagues who would be interested in receiving news about its work.

Just click on this link to and scroll down to ‘Sign up to our mailing list’ to enter your email address: [ www.irishchurches.org/contact ]

Archbishop of Dublin’s Advent Reflections continues

Archbishop Michael Jackson continued his video reflections for Advent yesterday, Sunday (December 6). On the Second Sunday of Advent, his theme was ‘Patience’ based on the reading from 2 Peter 3: 8–15a. This passage is read by Stella Obe, a Diocesan Reader from Castleknock.

In an Advent and Christmas that are unlike any we have known, Archbishop Jackson observes that our customary expectations for December are not present in 2020. “It is now so much more about being with God and bringing God and the care, the joy, the laughter of God to other people outside the church buildings. This is our calling. This is to be our expectation,” he says in Sunday’s reflection.

The video will be available to watch on [ www.dublin.anglican.org ]

Reminder: Capture ‘Anything but Covid’ photography competition

The Church of Ireland’s Central Communications Board (CCB) is inviting members of the Church to enter a photography competition with the theme of ‘Anything but Covid’. This year, in a change to the annual communications competition (which traditionally focuses on print and online media), selected entries to this special photography competition win a prize and be featured on the Church of Ireland’s website and social media platforms.

The competition, which is kindly being sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance, calls for photographers of all ages and experience to take part. The idea is to focus on humorous, hopeful or generally uplifting subjects, including people and places, which help to take our view away from the current pandemic, and change our perspective positively.

Bishop Pat Storey, the Chair of the CCB, says: ‘It is a delight to launch this photography competition to welcome a bit of light in the darkness. It would be great to have photographs submitted that simply make people smile. As we wait for the world to heal we take joy in the creativity of playful photographers all over this island. Good luck!’

Each entrant to the competition may submit one image which should be submitted via email to press@ireland.anglican.org along with the entrant’s name, full contact details, and parish. Images must be jpegs, and at least 300 dpi in resolution and 3 MB in size but strictly not over 4 MB, and be submitted with the date on which the photograph was taken. The deadline for entries will be 12 noon on Monday, 14th December 2020. Judging will be undertaken independently of the CCB and prizes will be announced in advance of the Christmas holidays.

Pointers to prayer

Today we give thanks for vaccine development around the world. A vaccine has been approved for use in the UK and the roll-out will begin soon.

Lord, we pray for all to follow Christ’s example of treating women and girls with equality and respect. We pray for the dawn of a better world where justice and peace may flourish.

Pray for Keith & Lyn Scott who return to Ireland this weekend for six months of Home Assignment, and are waiting on God’s leading and direction for their future steps. Pray for the Scotts and the CMSI staff as they pray and discuss possible options in the months ahead.

in Zambia where Keith & Lyn ministered, St John’s Theological Seminary lecturers are planning for a new term with a reduced staff team and limited resources. Pray for the seminary as it adjusts without the Scotts. Pray for the students as they prepare for leadership roles in the Church.

Pray for children who have missed out on schooling during the pandemic. A new tutoring scheme aims to close the attainment gap as disadvantaged students have fallen behind, but may not have the necessary scope for all children who need it.

Lord Jesus, be with those who work with survivors of gender-based violence. May they be given the resources they need to offer long lasting support.
