Bishop McKeon to launch year of St Columba events across Derry and Donegal

Digital launch today at 12.00 noon

Photo above – Iona Abbey

Bishop Donal McKeown will launch a year-long series of events to mark the 1500th birthday of St Columba, with a special online Mass at Long Tower Church, on Monday December 7 at 10 a.m, the Derry Journal reports.

December 7, marks the traditional birthday of the city’s patron saint, and 365 days of celebration are now planned until December 7, 2021, with further events in Inishowen and at St Columba’s birthplace at Gartan in Donegal over the coming days.

Local people are invited to tune into the Long Tower Mass at 10 a.m. which will be followed by a digital launch of the year of the year at www.Longtower.com at 12.00 noon.

Bishop McKeown said the Mass is an opportunity for people to celebrate the life of Columba, whose rich legacy has shaped the language, culture and history of Ireland, Scotland and the north of England.

He continued: “I am delighted to celebrate this Mass at Long Tower Church, a church dedicated to St Columba, a Saint whose legacy continues to transcend borders and to inspire cooperation, not least in the Gaelic traditions of Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man.

“Over the next 12 months, a series of celebratory events will be held to commemorate the life of this remarkable person, who holds such a close attachment to our city.

“I would like to thank the community at Long Tower Church and the wider city, who have worked so diligently during the past year, in difficult circumstances, to plan the year of events that is to come.

“We hope that, as we celebrate in our present day this moment of our past rooted in our faith and our city, we will walk evermore confidently into our future filled with the faith of our ancestors.”

The Mass on Monday can be viewed at [ www.longtowerchurch.org/webcam/ ] . The digital launch of the Year at 12.00 noon, will include a short film featuring the leaders of the Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches.


Prior to this, an all-night vigil of prayer will take place in St Canice’s Oratory in the Celtic Prayer Garden, IOSAS Centre, Muff from midnight on Sunday, and continue through to 6am. Prayers will be said through the intercession of St Columba for health and healing.


The Churches Trust’s digital presentation ‘Columba @ 1500’ on Monday will include a micro documentary featuring an introduction to St Columba, his mission, the his relevance today.

Donegal and Derry & Strabane Councils have organised a huge programme of events over the coming year, to include the appointment of a Colmcille 1500 Project Manager; Conservation works to selected Columban sites; Public art commission between Letterkenny and Kilmacrennan; a major cross-border exhibition on the life of Colmcille; a resource pack for primary schools; a conference at the Magee College; and a cross-border production by An Grianán Theatre of Brian Friel’s play ‘The Enemy Within’.

At Gartan this Sunday churches will host events to be shared online via [ www.facebook.com/StColumbaGartan ] and [ www.facebook.com/raphoediocese. ]

Meanwhile Ulster University and Éigse Cholm Cille, the Irish language literary society based at Magee campus, will host a virtual conference for schools on December 7.

Foras na Gaeilge in Ireland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig in Scotland will host an online Cèilidh at 8pm on Monday, while a series of video messages from individuals, groups and organisations celebrating Colmcille 1500 will be shared on the Colmcille Facebook page and on [ www.colmcille.net. ]

Information on events during the year is available at
[ www.colmcille.net/colmcille-1500/events/ ]
