Church News Ireland – January 28

Image of the day – Europop, The Neil Hannon Show

+People and places
Pope and Archbishop Welby to open and close 4 Corners festival
Prince honours UK survivors of the Holocaust
International community must tackle illicit drugs in peacebuilding. report warns
Coronavirus restrictions scrapped in English churches after nearly two years

+News briefs
The common cup
C of E clergy union grows
New primate Anglican Church of the Congo
C of E thanks front line covid workers

+In the media
Links to nine current reports and issues

+Webinars, music, resources, broadcasts, and books
Onward – Presbyterian young peoples’ programme
Europop – The Grand Tour: The Neil Hannon Show
Everyday Faith – accessible digital resource from C of E

Worship in unprecedented times by Archbishop Michael Jackson

+Poem for today
In Westminster Abbey by John Betjeman

Click here – CNI January 28
