Faith to Face – inter-faith conference

‘Faith to Face’ is a major conference organised by the Community Faiths’ Forum. It includes the launch of a research report by Tony Macaulay, a talk by Doreen Finneron, and a young people’s programme.

Date: Thursday 1 December 2011

Venue: Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast
Day programme from 10 am – 4.30/5.30pm. Young people’s programme from 3.45 – 6.30pm.


The Community Faiths’ Forum (CFF) is a pilot bringing together over two dozen people from different faith backgrounds in Northern Ireland to look at, and work on, social and community issues.

It is funded by the Department for Social Development with whom it has a strong relationship and administered by the Churches’ Community Work Alliance (CCWA).

The CFF has commissioned a study of faith involvement in community work in Northern Ireland including a picture of some successful stories and some of the difficulties encountered. This report will be launched at the conference but there is much more besides. The full programme is available on request and will be sent to all those attending.

The young people’s programme which will take place towards the end of the day will overlap with the main day programme. Tony Macaulay of Tony Macaulay Associates is not only heading up the research which will be presented but is experienced in the field concerned.

Doreen Finneron was until recently director of the Faith–based Regeneration Network in Britain and will give a wider perspective on the topic.
Bookings should be made to; Community Faiths’ Forum, 218 York Street, Belfast BT15 1GY.
Email: rob.fairmichael@ccwa-ni.org or telephone 028 90740077.