Vicar sues diocese over parish campaign of hate

A vicar who moved to an “idyllic” rural parish claims that locals subjected him and his family to a four-year-reign of intimidation and terror.

The Daily telegraph reports: Reverend Mark Sharpe, 44, claims parishioners slashed his tyres, smeared excrement over the family car, strewed broken glass over his drive and even poisoned his pet dog.

Rev Sharpe said he and his wife Sara, 43, were forced to install CCTV cameras at the rectory to protect themselves and their four children after their post was tampered with and internet and phone connections were cut.

Eventually they moved away and yesterday Rev Sharpe began a claim of constructive dismissal against the Church of England…

…Geoffrey Tattersall, acting for the diocese, told the hearing in Birmingham: “The respondent made an early concession that Sharpe was a worker; we now wish to withdraw that position.”

He also warned the judge that the case was “very arcane detailed stuff”, adding: “There is no way of making a complicated case uncomplicated but we are trying to make it as uncomplicated as we can.”

If upheld the case could mean that members of religious groups across the UK could be subject to legislation covering health & safety, the National Minimum Wage, paid holidays, whistleblowing, anti-discrimination, flexible working policies, and the Working Time Directive.

The case continues.

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