Church Resources 2012 in Belfast

The popular Church Resources 2012 event will be held at the Ramada Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast on 16th & 17th February.

Seminars will be streamed under the topics: Leadership, Local Community, Pastoral Care, Mission and Youth. As a matter of policy, all speakers have been encouraged to ‘ground’ their presentations by giving practical steps – as much as theological thinking.

Visitors to the 2012 event will be able to book in for a wide range of seminars including: How to Organise a Summer Bible Club; Developing a Strategy for Youth Work; Mission in Rural Ireland and A Community Bible Experience.

Debra Green, a regular visitor to Northern Ireland this year, will give a presentation on the work of Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) in the UK. As National Director of ROC, Debra will tease out the purpose, and value, of Churches forming partnerships with other community groups, the police, the fire service, local authorities and voluntary agencies.

Resources on display at the February event will generally fall into two categories: those which cover the ‘nuts and bolts’ requirements of Churches e.g. Sound Systems, Lighting, Heating and Furniture; and those which assist with the spiritual/pastoral side of Church life e.g. Teaching and Study materials, Outreach resources and Bibles and books.

A number of mainstream Christian publishers will be exhibiting at Church Resources 2012, including Hodder & Stoughton, Cambridge University Press, Bible Reading Fellowship, The Good Book Company and LifeWay. Their books and resources will also be on sale from the Exhibition Bookshop – a new addition to the event.

Mission Agencies will feature significantly at the forthcoming event. Over 20 organisations will be present to inform and encourage a global view of Church and mission.

For further developments see: