CNI summary – Thursday 24th November

Your rapid overview of today’s news and issues.

The symbol § indicates that a fuller report is posted on the CNI site in the category.


Church Resources 2012 – will be held at the Ramada Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast on 16th & 17th February.§

Love and Joy and Peace – Book launch – The Rev Jim Carson, rector of St Paul’s, Lisburn, (Connor) launched his book Love and Joy and Peace in the Good Book Shop, Belfast, on Tuesday last.§

Human rights monitor on West Bank – Last week Jenny Derbyshire from Enniskerry travelled to Palestine to work as a human rights monitor for three months.§

Northern Ireland soccer kitman honoured – Derek McKinley, a member of the C of I, was honoured with a testimonial dinner in Belfast as former and present players and managers paid tribute to his remarkable 30 years of service to the international squad.§

Christian Aid’s online Advent resources – The global development agency is offering people a “thought provoking, chocolate-free countdown to the Christmas celebrations.” From Advent Sunday, 27 November 2011, visitors to CA’s web site will get a short daily reflection as a virtual candle lights up against a backdrop of faces of those whose lives are being changed by the work of Christian Aid and its partners across the world.§

RC priests’ organization slams Irish media bias – The Association of Catholic Priests has accused Irish state broadcaster RTE and sections of the media of a bias against the Church and the clergy.§

Theft at Hillsborough Parish – A woman has been arrested in the Craigavon area regarding the theft of food which was to be given to needy families at Christmas.


New book celebrates 1,000 years of St Paul’s Cathedral – A new book uncovering the historical and religious significance of St Paul’s Cathedral has been published today in celebration of the current building’s 300th anniversary.§

Text the Gospel this Christmas – A new initiative is encouraging Christians to tell the story of the birth of Jesus through social media this Christmas.§

Tory peers to rebel on civil partnerships in churches – The Independent reports Conservative peers in the House of Lords are attempting to scupper plans to allow same-sex couples to hold civil partnerships in churches.

Vicar sues diocese over campaign of hate – A vicar who moved to an “idyllic” rural parish claims that locals subjected him and his family to a four-year-reign of intimidation and terror.§


NY’s bishop-elect is a cartoonist – The Rev. Canon Andrew Dietsche, who was elected Bishop Co-Adjutor of the Diocese of New York on Saturday is a cartoonist.§

New York’s gay Irish keep mass attendance alive – Each Sunday evening, roughly 100 Dignity members transform the Episcopal Church St John in Greenwich Village into an unusual Catholic sanctuary.§


Resource for Christmas Crafts – A simple resource for Bible-related Christmas crafts is now available on site.


All Ireland Chaplain – The Commissioning Service of Very Rev. Raymond Ferguson as the All Ireland Chaplain will be held Cathedral of St. Fethlimidh, Kilmore on Sunday 11 December at 3.30 pm.


A Perfect Day – The CD recorded last month by Portadown Male Voice Choir at St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Armagh, is now available.§


A place for the reader to “touch base” with the God who is there amongst the events and headlines of this world.