Presence and Presents – Christmas booklet by C of I rector

Canon Paul Willoughby, Rector of Kilmocomogue Union of Parishes, covering  Bantry, Durrus and Castletownbere, has recently produced a booklet called ‘Presence and Presents. The real meaning of Christmas’.

Canon Willoughby says, “This book has been on my mind  for many years. It is a booklet for parents and children. It was inspired by my ministry to children and their wonderful questions. I am passionate about education and the need to pass on the faith to the next generation. The growing secularisation of Christmas has happened, in part, because people of faith have been silent and not spoken out about the wonderful gift that God has given us. We really need to hear that message of light overcoming darkness. We need to relearn that we can truly celebrate Christmas without the lavish extravagance of past years. A simple Christmas does not mean a worse one!

“I sense a great need among parents to try and pass on the faith to their children in a  meaningful and relevant way.  Our new President spoke about an ‘older wisdom’ and I believe that this comes directly from our own ancient Celtic Christian traditions. We have  become disconnected from that past, for all sorts of reasons, and this simple book is an attempt to explore the traditions, stories, legends and customs that have shaped our modern preparations for  Advent and Christmas. In reclaiming these stories we can discover that there is room in our hearts and homes for the Christchild and Santa Claus!

“I hope that this booklet will be an opportunity for families to discover the answers together and to appreciate that the things that we do and the customs we have are full of true meaning and purpose. I also hope that  the discovery of these answers an opportunity will arise to  discover a stronger sense of connection with God and with each other.”

It was  launched at an Ecumenical pre Advent gathering in Durrus Community Hall. The Reverend Anne Skuse did the illustrations which are also available on their parish web site www.kilmocomogue.info. The pictures are available to download for children to colour in.

The book costs €5 and is available from the Bantry Bookshop, Wisemans of Durrus, St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral and the Sunday School Society in Dublin. Copies can be posted and  are also available directly from Canon Willoughby at Durrus Rectory, Bantry, Co. Cork or by email paul@durrusfete.ie.