Roman Catholic Church stands firm on abortion – Cardinal Brady

Cardinal insists the Irish government does not have to actThe leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland has insisted there is no obligation on the Irish government to introduce limited legislation allowing for abortions.

The Archbishop of Armagh Cardinal Sean Brady was speaking after the Irish government last night finally conceded it will have to legalise abortion in limited circumstances after a woman with a rare form of cancer won her legal battle at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

In a hardline statement issued Dec 17, signalling the opposition of the Irish Church to any moves towards liberalisation of abortion law, Cardinal Brady said the judgment leaves future policy in Ireland on protecting the lives of unborn children in the hands of the Irish people.

“It does not oblige Ireland to introduce legislation authorising abortion,” he claimed. But the all-Ireland Primate acknowledged that the judgment raised “profound moral and legal issues which will require careful analysis and reflection by the Catholic bishops”.

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